I could swear that this week's @SkepticalScience new research compilation is heavily #OpenAccess. One never knows until it's rendered, though. ~0000 PST will reveal all.
#AnthropogenicClimateChange #climatescience #openaccessclimatescience #openaccess
This article doesn't make the connection (because that's not its job) but Dagan's claim is nonetheless an indirect reminder about how rushing into solar geoengineering via aerosol injection while still short of fully circumspect information risks possible backfire.
'Equilibrium climate sensitivity increases with aerosol concentration due to changes in precipitation efficiency'
#openaccess #AnthropogenicClimateChange #climatescience
"CMIP6 models show that the Earth likely will reach 2° C of global warming by the 2040s without significant policy changes."
Which unpacks as a whole lot of trouble, as broadly described in the article.
'What does global land climate look like at 2 degrees warming?'
#climatepolicy #climatescience #AnthropogenicClimateChange #openaccess
If we were to try designing machinery to alter Earth's climate but without much competence for the job, that machinery might end up looking a lot like our aviation habit.
"Random solar geoengineering isn't better than the real deal." --Capt. Obvious
'Satellite observations of seasonality and long-term trends in cirrus cloud properties over Europe: investigation of possible aviation impacts'
#openaccess #climatescience #climatechange #AnthropogenicClimateChange
What if many online Influencers did not (implicitly) want to mitigate #ClimateChange ?
The talking the talk, not walking the walk, (self) virtue signalling behaviours. I'm not referring to explicit #GreenWashers (disinformation). I'm referring to the social behaviour of saying socially desirable words. Words that appear that the speaker is, in theory, wanting to do something about #AnthropogenicClimateChange. BUT, when it comes to the practical components, well, they don't have the motivation.
#AnthropogenicClimateChange #GreenWashers #climatechange