फेकू दिखाना भैया...
सस्ता फेकू चाहिए...
RT @AamAadmiParty@twitter.com
भ्रष्टाचार मुक्त भारत हमारी मांग नहीं हमारी ज़िद्द है।
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AamAadmiParty/status/1601083837383344130
What are the perceptions of Europeans on possible corruption in their country? What is their experience in their dealings with their institutions?
Find some answers in this @EurobarometerEU survey:
➡️ https://europa.eu/!cfc4KY
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUPublications/status/1601266173022044160
RT @josattler: Corruption holds #BiH back. 🇧🇦 citizens deserve better.
Laws on Conflict of Interest & HJPC integrity need to be adopted. Protection of whistleblowers & anti-corruption strategy too.
High time to progress in the fight against corruption. #AntiCorruptionDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eubih/status/1601215199176192003
Korruption stoppen!
Orbán ist korrupt wie kaum ein 2. Regierungschef in 🇪🇺. Jedes Jahr versickern Mrd bei seiner Familie & seinen Kumpels. Unregelmäßigkeiten bei Verwendung von EU-Mitteln waren in keinem anderen EU-Staat 2015-2019 so hoch wie in 🇭🇺.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SPDEuropa/status/1601190236239073280
Orbán, stop playing games with vital EU policies!
Orbán is using European taxpayers' money for his own good, while tearing down the rule of law and citizens' rights in Hungary.
It's time for EU leaders to stand up to corruption in Hungary!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GreensEFA/status/1601192880550576134
International #AntiCorruptionDay is celebrated on 9 December since the adoption of the United Nations Convention against Corruption by the General Assembly in 2003. Today is dedicated to raising awareness about corruption and the Convention's role in combating it.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Armenia/status/1601094292885442562
The data we make available on http://ted.europa.eu helps to ensure transparency 🔎 in #PublicProcurement. It helps to fight against fraudulent practices.
Discover what this year’s #EUDatathon teams did with our data via: https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eudatathon
#AntiCorruptionDay @EU_opendata
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUTenders/status/1601145763550986240
#publicprocurement #EUDatathon #AntiCorruptionDay
RT @EUDELCoE: Europe rests at its core on a joint aspiration for transparency, justice & #RuleOfLaw. We continue our successful cooperation w/ @coe to fight corruption & strengthen integrity standards⚖️
On #AntiCorruptionDay learn more📽️ on our work👇 @EU_Justice @eu_near @CoeGreco @VeniceComm
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1601120332638982146
Tackling fraud and corruption is everyone's right and responsibility.
The Multilateral Development Banks are #UnitedAgainstCorruption and committed to integrity & accountability.
This #AntiCorruptionDay stand with us and join the call
#UnitedAgainstCorruption #AntiCorruptionDay #IACD2022
RT @EUDELCoE: Europe rests at its core on a joint aspiration for transparency, justice & #RuleOfLaw. We continue our successful cooperation w/ @coe to fight corruption & strengthen integrity standards⚖️
On #AntiCorruptionDay learn more📽️ on our work👇 @EU_Justice @eu_near @CoeGreco @VeniceComm
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eu_near/status/1601136983111188480
RT @EUDELCoE: Europe rests at its core on a joint aspiration for transparency, justice & #RuleOfLaw. We continue our successful cooperation w/ @coe to fight corruption & strengthen integrity standards⚖️
On #AntiCorruptionDay learn more📽️ on our work👇 @EU_Justice @eu_near @CoeGreco @VeniceComm
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/karmel80/status/1601127834386403328