I of course knew this was coming, but it is nonetheless #authoritarian and #AntiDemocratic. https://abcnews.go.com/US/booksellers-fear-impending-restrictions-books-sold-schools-texas/story?id=101716302
#AntiDemocratic #authoritarian
Prof. Robert Reich ( @rbreich )
Trump's path to dictatorship
Trump, Republicans, and even some of the Supreme Court are pushing the “unitary executive” theory
#Trump #dictator #authoritarianism #fascism #US #failedstate #GOP #antidemocratic #sectarian #dictatorship
#trump #dictator #authoritarianism #fascism #us #failedstate #gop #AntiDemocratic #sectarian #dictatorship
#HouseOfLords needs more experts, says speaker, as former PMs line up allies | House of Lords | The Guardian
Never mind this suggested minor reform, the highly #undemocratic and indeed #antidemocratic House needs to be abolished and replaced by an elected assembly.
#houseoflords #Undemocratic #AntiDemocratic #uk #politics
of course it did!
I well remember saving up glass ‘brown lemonade’ bottles to fund big item pocket money purchases, when the time was right to cash in the 6d #bottleDeposit
…that’s 2.5p for anyone who’s not a #boomer!
Each bottle was worth 25%of my weekly pocket money of 2/-
…& the deposit was a much higher fraction of the lemonade retail price than is proposed today.
#Scotland 🏴: we are being played for mugs by this #antiDemocratic #imperialist #colonial #UK 🇬🇧 gov.
#uk #colonial #imperialist #AntiDemocratic #scotland #boomer #bottledeposit
#Walgreens folded to pressure from Attorneys General in advance of ANY changes to legalization. #Kansas voters voted en masse last year to support abortion rights. The attorneys general are trying to undo our rights and our expressed will.
#Kansas #Walgreens #AbortionCare #Antidemocratic
#AntiDemocratic #Abortioncare #walgreens #kansas
Some good detail here on methods and targets. #AntiDemocratic #antidemokraten #israel I wonder to what extent such outfits are excellent salesmen and to what extent they have decisive influence.
#israel #antidemokraten #AntiDemocratic
Noting that we supported "StayAtHome" for a long while…
A #whistleblower from the #UKMilitary has come forward to #BigBrotherWatch (BBW) to expose illegal #spying, #waste and #antiDemocratic conduct during #covid.
Site requires js:
Most detailed article is unfortunately(?) #TheDailyMail and site is watched by #akamai, so use an archive below to access more safely:
#whistleblower #ukmilitary #bigbrotherwatch #spying #waste #AntiDemocratic #covid #TheDailyMail #akamai
Three days later, on the 15th ballot, #KevinMcCarthy becomes US #HouseSpeaker.
Racist reactionary accelerationists are officially in control of one half of the US #Congress.
The #antidemocratic #insurrectionists will be stirring up all kinds of wicked bullshit over the next two years, and using their power to push the country further toward a new #fascism, or backwards toward our pre-Civil Rights history.
#kevinmccarthy #housespeaker #congress #AntiDemocratic #Insurrectionists #fascism
@kathrynmathias Could it be because Poilievre is creepy? Didn't he let his young acolyte take the fall for his #antidemocratic #robocalls lying about the relocation of voting booths to #discourage liberal #voters? #CreepyPP.
#creepypp #voters #discourage #robocalls #AntiDemocratic
@MIGA The trolling, anonymity, misread, disregard of evidence, false evidence, lack of logic, aggression, inaccurate interpretation, faux misunderstanding are unwelcome &actually make response look like #MAGA #MIGA #Russian or other #BOT #AntiDemocratic nonsense #Happy #Christmas 😂
#maga #miga #russian #bot #AntiDemocratic #happy #christmas
"Donald Trump believes we should terminate “all rules, regulations and articles, even those found in the Constitution” to overturn the 2020 election. That was his view on 1/6 and remains his view today. No honest person can now deny that Trump is an enemy of the Constitution."
— Liz Cheney (@Liz_Cheney) December 4, 2022
#coupdetat #AntiDemocratic #ElectionUSA #uspresident #potus
"Donald Trump believes we should terminate “all rules, regulations and articles, even those found in the Constitution” to overturn the 2020 election. That was his view on 1/6 and remains his view today. No honest person can now deny that Trump is an enemy of the Constitution."
— Liz Cheney (@Liz_Cheney) December 4, 2022
#coupdetat #AntiDemocratic #ElectionUSA #uspresident #potus
#TexasPaul exposes #farright nutbaggery #TurningPointUSA
#campuses #farrightbrainwashing
#antidemocratic nonsense
#TexasPaul #farright #turningpointusa #campuses #farrightbrainwashing #AntiDemocratic
Well, obvoiusly the #gop is now also officially #antidemocratic .
BURY THE CANDIDATES: #Australia's currently having an #election.
Supposed #nationalBroadcaster, the #AkamaiABC have decided to bury the actual candidates 5-clicks-deep on the website.
They're effectively inaccessible — we almost gave up looking!
Here they are:
#ausVotes #elections #webDesign #darkPatterns #antidemocratic #electionMeddling #ABCNews
#australia #election #NationalBroadcaster #akamaiABC #ausvotes #elections #webdesign #darkpatterns #AntiDemocratic #ElectionMeddling #abcnews
Without keeping direct tabs on all the bills, its difficult to judge, but lets just say whenever we looked at the state govts #planning reforms they were #antidemocratic, cronyist, #speculation feeding, confidence tricking, #greenwashing, centralising, #payForPlay-ing…
You name it. They do it.
#planning #AntiDemocratic #speculation #greenwashing #payForPlay
Who are the real #pirates?
This is one of **the most** important #questions of our time. Thanks for raising this and great #prose/#poem!
#piracy #theives #liers #CEOs #friendsOfJeffreyEpstein #bigRealEstate #trump #biden #cantillonEffect #cantillionaires #militaryBudget #securocrats #micimattComplex #MICIMATT #townPlanning #townPlanners #corruption #democracy #antiDemocratic #restrictTheFrame #twoParadigm #mediaHijack
#pirates #questions #prose #piracy #theives #liers #CEOs #friendsOfJeffreyEpstein #bigRealEstate #trump #biden #cantilloneffect #cantillionaires #militaryBudget #securocrats #micimattComplex #MICIMATT #townPlanning #townPlanners #corruption #democracy #AntiDemocratic #restrictTheFrame #twoParadigm #mediaHijack
That's what happened to #Venezuela recently. The #UK basically took the gold reserves they stored in #England.
Worse, the #US/UK gave the #gold to the unelected opposition in Venezuela.
#venezuela #uk #england #us #gold #UnitedStatesOfUnitedKingdom #AntiDemocratic #whyBitcoin
Tell us again…
…the #anecdote about your #philanthropy boosting #mentalHealth.
#bandaid #fauxPhilanthrophy #interventionistPolicy #robotPope #rupertMurdoch #debtPonzi #holesAndHouses #skyHighImmigration #kevinRudd #KRudd #KRuddCoup #antiDemocratic #noDemocracy #notOurDemocracy #freeJulianAssange #julianAssange #defundAllTheJeffreyEpsteins #useBitcoin #jailTheWarCriminals #AfghanPapers #UBINow
#anecdote #philanthropy #mentalhealth #DontBlameItOnTheBailOuts #DontBlameItOnTheMedia #DontBlameItOnThePonzi #BlameItOnTheIndividual #bandaid #fauxPhilanthrophy #interventionistPolicy #robotPope #rupertmurdoch #debtPonzi #holesAndHouses #skyHighImmigration #KevinRudd #KRudd #KRuddCoup #AntiDemocratic #noDemocracy #notourdemocracy #FreeJulianAssange #julianassange #defundAllTheJeffreyEpsteins #usebitcoin #JailTheWarCriminals #AfghanPapers #UBINow