#Kids Learn #AntiFat Bias Earlier Than You May Realize—Here’s How to Address It With Them
I can’t stop thinking how we brought my dear perfect boy to the vet for an ear infection, and they (once again) spent all their time telling us our dog needs to lose weight. When I tell you that this is the first dog I’ve ever had who just isn’t interested in food. Like, he will eat, but never much. He’s just not food-focused. And why did anyone decide he should weigh exactly 50 lbs. The vet is triggering my own Orthorexia. #antifat #perfectlysizeddog #angel
#angel #perfectlysizeddog #AntiFat
@autumn @geekstress I mainly want it to discover people to follow who are talking about topics I like. Like #MaintenancePhase #AntiFat #FairPlay etc.
#fairplay #AntiFat #MaintenancePhase