William Lindsey :toad: · @wdlindsy
2292 followers · 10539 posts · Server toad.social

"To ignore Kennedy, or his supporters, on the grounds of their holding such easily falsifiable beliefs seems extremely shortsighted. A lot of Americans believe things that aren’t true—which, given the (literally) whitewashed version of history most of us get taught, shouldn’t be surprising."

~ D.D. Guttenplan


#rfkjr #conspiracytheories #AntiIntellectualism #vaccines #antivax

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Barbre · @MikeBarbre
9 followers · 179 posts · Server awscommunity.social

@MJ @FaceliftMcDarby @TonyStark 🥥 Try to solve problems and get blamed for the problems you're trying to solve.
It's as American as , , , , and . 🥥

#bigotry #AntiIntellectualism #exploitation #hyperhypocrisy #wealthinequality #bigfoot

Last updated 2 years ago

Mike Barbre · @MikeBarbre
4 followers · 102 posts · Server awscommunity.social
Consuming a Lack · @schrodingers_cat
462 followers · 26033 posts · Server rage.love

"The distortion of “accessibility” is evident through the prevalence of political education via memes, as well. Online, slides of bright words on carefully picked colorful Canva app backgrounds or a sassy 69 seconds or less AAVE spouting breakdown of current events becomes a substitute for historical and dialectical materialism. Nothing needs to be cited, it just needs to be emotionally appealing. So one can engage in hashtag activism and make claims about nations in the crosshairs of western imperialism without providing anything more than thoughts and opinions on the matter. They are not required to make a full argument, provide primary sources or define anything. But because it is made “accessible”, it is taken in as fact and spread around like wildfire."

Reject Anti-Intellectualism - Hood Communist

#intellectualism #AntiIntellectualism #reactionarism

Last updated 2 years ago

Milquetoast :nonbinary_flag: · @milquetoast
66 followers · 335 posts · Server mastodon.lol

I just got blocked for using the word "occidocentric" in a conversation.

The person was like, "blocked because you used 'occidocentric' in a conversation. I am not in college."

Wtf is that supposed to mean? The only thing I can imagine is that they didn't like that I pointed out that they were being a reactionary.

#block #occidocentrism #bigwords #whydoiarguewithfools #AntiIntellectualism

Last updated 2 years ago