#ElonMusk working on a new #AntiWoke #AI, because that's totally not going to go fully racist within. 24 hours.
Assuming he doesn't program it to be racist from the beginning.
@ThomHartmann #CompassionateConservative = #TeaBagger = #MAGAT = #AntiWoke , they will keep changing their names, they are all the same.
#AntiWoke #magat #teabagger #compassionateconservative
Many of us look at the attitudes held by past generations (particularly attitudes of the 1950s) and we say to ourselves “can you believe how sexist, racist and homophobic people we’re back then?”
10-20 years from now we’ll be saying the very same thing about the #AntiWoke brigade
Being #progressive is how we grow and evolve as human beings. Being regressive cripples our humanity.
Journalists blowing up and amplifying a story all week and then in the weekend edition writing a thoughtful column that maybe they were wrong to just play echo and should’ve been more thoughtful and been more critical and then, finally, make the correct assessment of the story.
It would be more believable if you wouldn’t keep doing it, of course.
#ohwell #journalism #AntiWoke #woke
Choose from the official hero list only. #antiwoke
@flexghost ⬆️
#RonDeSantis badly wants to be the nation’s TOP #AntiWoke cheerleader! 😂
Was für ne hohle Nuss ist das denn, bitte?!
Hier wird wunderbar demonstriert, wie man pseudo-schlaue Konservative mit ihren eigenen Waffen bloßstellen und ihrem Gelaber komplett die nicht vorhandene Grundlage nehmen kann.
Das sollten sich viele Interviewer, Moderatoren etc. weltweit mal ansehen und davon lernen.
#woke #antiwoke #politicalcorrectness #education #journalism
#woke #AntiWoke #politicalcorrectness #education #journalism
Just spitballing here. But you know how the #NYPL is offering digital access to students across the country who are facing #BookBans ? Is there a network where those of us outside of #Florida can offer Zoom classes in #AfricanAmericanStudies and similar fields to do an end run around around #rondesantis and his Fascist #AntiWoke laws? And if it doesn’t exist, could such a network be built? #education #EducationIsARight
#educationisaright #education #AntiWoke #rondesantis #AfricanAmericanStudies #florida #BookBans #NYPL
Maybe #Florida teachers should just install fencing or prison bars in front of their libraries.
#censorship #DontSayGay #AntiWoke
Is 1984 still an approved book?
#florida #censorship #DontSayGay #AntiWoke
Marked Safe From
people who are mad that Pink Floyd
used a rainbow on their 50th
anniversary album!
#pinkfloyd #AntiWoke #maga #facepalm
When it comes to the #AntiWoke, they are operating on a cult like mentality
They operate with myths, conspiracy theories and distortions of reality. Because none of these people live in reality. They live on mass mob mentality which only fuels their fantasies and fears. They fear what they don't understand. And believe you me, there is a lot they don't understand.
(Check out my blog for my full thoughts on this: http://nerdykeith.tumblr.com)
#leftist #progressive #woke #AntiWoke
Das ist einfach nur peinlich!
Michael Shermer war mal eine Ikone der US-Skeptiker Bewegung. Jetzt sitzt er beim Journalismusdarsteller Dave Rubin, lässt sich von dessen antiwoken "just asking questions" Quatsch mitreißen füttert ihm sogar mit noch mehr Gesülze. Die Aussage Rogan habe keine journalistische Verpflichtungen ist einfach grotesk. Es gibt Unmengen an Studien, die klar Rogans...
#rubinreport #michaelshermer #sceptics #sceptic #AntiWoke
I wasn't born into the #DemocraticAlliance - it was born into me. I was there at the founding congress, and voted it into existence. Perhaps too hopefully, I wanted a party to carry the torch for #HelenSuzman, #ColinEglin and #KenAndrew. It no longer does.
There are so many things this party should do better. The DA has perhaps irretrievably damaged its reputation.
I regret the #AntiWoke attitudes, antagonism to #opposition #coalitions, and pandering to White minority group interests.
#DemocraticAlliance #HelenSuzman #ColinEglin #KenAndrew #AntiWoke #opposition #coalitions