Last week I was a guest on TRT World (Turkey’s first international English-language news network) talking about antibiotics in the environment and a post-antibiotic world. See (the segment starts at 11:09). Something we really need to pay attention to. Very interesting to see thoughts on this from around the world.
#environment #network #ozchem #science #antimicrobialresistance #antibiotics #antibioticstewardship #university #turkey #Türkiye
#environment #network #ozchem #science #antimicrobialresistance #antibiotics #AntibioticStewardship #university #turkey #Turkiye
The latest The antimicrobial stewardship Daily! Thanks to #amr #antibioticstewardship
Struggling with diagnosing #sepsis? New research proposes a combination of pathogen detection and host transcriptional profiling to quickly and definitively diagnose the condition, support appropriate treatment selection, and fight antimicrobial resistance.
#PathMastodon #IDMastodon #antimicrobialresistance #antibioticstewardship
#Sepsis #pathmastodon #IDMastodon #antimicrobialresistance #AntibioticStewardship
It's probably Doxy. #PleaseDontEatTheFloorPills #antibioticstewardship #abxstewardship
#pleasedonteatthefloorpills #AntibioticStewardship #abxstewardship
#mrsa #pleasestopusingvancforeverything #grampositive #AntibioticStewardship
Thanks for this! Seems to me VRE is an overall safety & quality of care indicator reflecting #infectioncontrol and #antibioticstewardship. Need to think about this more. Lots of confounders acknowledged. 🤔
#infectioncontrol #AntibioticStewardship
NEWS SCAN: Infant bacterial infections during COVID; Rising healthcare-associated infections
#AMR #AntibioticStewardship #HAI
I imagine this will not help:
RT @CIDRAP: Study details how antimicrobial resistance slams Europe
An estimated 541,000 annual deaths in the region are tied to #superbugs, with 133,000 direct deaths
#AMR #AntimicrobialResistance #AntibioticStewardship @CIDRAP_ASP
#superbugs #AMR #AntimicrobialResistance #AntibioticStewardship