“I still think we could do more when it comes to #antidoping and it would benefit massively from more funding, but #athletics does deserve a lot of credit for being on the front foot when some other sports perhaps don’t do enough in this area, simply because they don’t want to” https://athleticsweekly.com/blog/a-hard-price-to-pay-for-anti-doping-vigilance-1039962901/ #trackandfield #running #doping
#Doping #running #trackandfield #Athletics #Antidoping
Die Sonderausgabe vom Journal Sport Psychiatry ist draussen. Sie handelt über "Psychiatric Issues of “#Doping” in Sports" und zeigt, dass #Antidoping mit verschiedenen Problemen behaftet ist, die im Heft beschrieben werden.
RT @Europe_Active: The 6⃣th annual #FAIR+ Forum for #Antidoping in Recreational Sport has now begun!
Professor Michael McNamee is welcoming all participants & Cliff Collins is introducing the project!
Follow our livestream of the event here👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LezcOCUd_ws
#FAIR #Antidoping #AntidopingForum
RT @Europe_Active: The #FAIR+ Forum for #Antidoping in Recreational Sport is today 🤩
Don't miss Georg Häusler who will present on the @EU_Commission's commitment to action on anti-doping!
We'll share the link to the livestream at 10am!
#FAIR #Antidoping #AntidopingForum