@xtaldave Trying to cover legal butt from #AntitrustLaw with: "In general, any type of cross-posting to our platform is not in violation of this policy, even from the prohibited sites listed above.
Additionally, we allow paid advertisement/promotion for any of the prohibited social media platforms."
Is linking to a #personalblog or #businesswebsite allowed? What if you have links to other #SocialMediaPlatforms there?
#socialmediaplatforms #businesswebsite #personalblog #AntitrustLaw
In general, #companies aren’t obligated to do #business with each other and can freely choose their business partners. But a dominant firm that’s said to have “#MarketPower” can potentially violate #AntitrustLaw if they refuse to deal with other parties. #Twitter #Mastodon #Musk #SocialMedia
#socialmedia #musk #mastodon #twitter #AntitrustLaw #marketpower #business #companies
The German #Kartellamt, the #antitrust authority, wants to focus more on #GAFA in 2022.
I really hope they do. In the past, unfortunately, #antitrustlaw is rarely or ineffectively used specifically against #BigTech.
It's high time to change that, so it would definitely be now!
#kartellamt #antitrust #gafa #AntitrustLaw #bigtech
#Apple #fined record €1.1bn by French #competition #regulator | #Technology | The Guardian
#apple #fined #competition #regulator #technology #gafam #AntitrustLaw #france