A day of doing very little today. Mum tested positive for #COVID on Monday, and she’s “clinically extremely vulnerable” due to her comorbidities - primarily #leukaemia, but others too - and they’ve offered her #antivirals as a result, which she’s declined. So today I’ve mainly been worrying about her. Distracting myself with #Luther, although not very well.
I have a number of things on my mind at the moment. I’m not sleeping well. I can’t quiet my brain.
#covid #leukaemia #Antivirals #Luther
@reneenicolegray I got some, thank you. My regular antihistamine is an H1 blocker anyway. And I now have #AntiVirals from the hospital.
#AntiVirals have finally arrived after me getting short of breath trying to chase up on the phone, and the #Covid Medicine Delivery Unit not answering, the GP practice saying they can't do anything as they are short staffed, and my carer saying he can't do anything that I have not done already. Am going to cry now. It has all got a bit much.
Morning. Well my #antivirals have not arrived yet, I dunno whether to call 111 or the hospital switchboard, at least Amazon are coming today with my nasal rinses and mouthwash and H2 inhibitor #Covid19
The hospital are sending me #AntiVirals by courier for #Covid19, am very grateful
2 links
#CovidPapers on #Paxlovid from 11/2022 #cartilage
-Barron’s link on #Pfizer #CEO #interview
#pfizer is going to make like a bandit on #diabetes & #HBP #Rx alone, but I still wouldn’t buy that stock #bloodMoney #karma
If you really need #Paxlovid I get it & #antivirals are sometimes necessary, but if I have to live like a #hobbit for the next couple years to avoid taking💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊 #foreverAndEver by avoiding #sarscov2 #itIsWhatItIs
#covidpapers #Paxlovid #cartilage #pfizer #ceo #interview #diabetes #hbp #rx #bloodmoney #karma #Antivirals #hobbit #foreverandever #sarscov2 #itiswhatitis
[Correspondence] Imai et al, 2023: All #monoclonal antibody treatments tested were ineffective at neutralizing BQ.1.1 and XBB. However, all #antivirals tested (remdesivir, molnupiravir, nirmatrelvir) were effective at inhibiting the two #SARSCoV2 strains.
#monoclonal #Antivirals #sarscov2
@OT_CarersUnite I’m so sorry you are having to endure that stress! I’ve been begging my GP to give me a prescription I could fill *in case* I get #Covid. They just kept saying ‘No’ and that it would be fine, someone would see me.
But they do NOT see you without an appointment and it isn’t easy to get one of those, especially this time of year!
We caught our GP 3 hours before they went on Christmas holiday 🤯 The stress!! Hope you get your #antivirals soon! 💗
Probably, #molnupiravir was not administered early enough. #COVID19 #Antivirals
#molnupiravir #COVID19 #Antivirals
EpiPen litigation comes back to haunt Teva a decade after initial settlements — Pfizer's search for Paxlovid's COVID-busting sibling leads to low-profile antiviral biotech —Mirati to focus adagrasib/Keytruda study in low PDL1 lung cancer patients -- See more on our front page news http://bit.ly/w28kSd #epipen #tevapharm #legal #pfizer #covid #covid19 #paxlovid #antivirals #lungcancer #pharma #pharmanews #biotech #biotechnology #biopharma #cafepharma
#epipen #tevapharm #legal #pfizer #covid #covid19 #Paxlovid #Antivirals #lungcancer #pharma #pharmanews #biotech #biotechnology #biopharma #cafepharma
⏬25% reduction of #LongCovid with Paxlovid
⚠️Important that those vulnerable to long-term problems are eligible for #Paxlovid #Antivirals #MECFS #pwME #pwLC
RT @EricTopol@twitter.com
Important new preprint just posted from @zalaly@twitter.com and colleagues;
Paxlovid treatment for Covid associated with ~25% reduction of #LongCovid, beyond less death and hospitalization reduction https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.11.03.22281783v1
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1589091947276140544
#LongCovid #Paxlovid #Antivirals #mecfs #pwME #pwLC
#Chinese Doctors Are Using #Cuban #Antivirals Against #Coronavirus
#Chinese #Cuban #Antivirals #coronavirus