Danny Boyle's #SlumdogMillionaire, is our deep-dive choice for this week. We take time to review #AntManAndTheWasp #Quantumania, #Sharper, and #MarcelTheShell With Shoes On, as well as take a mid-season look at how #TheLastOfUs is coming along. With a news roundup and our neat things for the week thrown into the mix for another packed show of film geek related chat.
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#slumdogmillionaire #AntmanAndTheWasp #quantumania #sharper #marceltheshell #TheLastOfUs #film #films #movies #cinema #Streaming #news #reviews #podcast #chat #box #marvel #appletv
I enjoyed the new #AntManQuantumania - bit of a messy ending, but visually interesting and inventive throughout with a great performance from Johnathan Majors as Kang. Plus, it had MODOK being a weird little guy, which is the main thing I required of a MODOK.
#antmanquantumania #marvel #mcu #AntmanAndTheWasp #AntManandTheWaspQuantumania