The stories that my father told me never seemed quite real
On this #ANZACDay, we send greetings to our friends, colleagues and followers from #AustraliaðŠðº and #NewZealandð³ð¿
â¬ïž This mosaic of #Copernicus #Sentinel2 ðªðºð° images is made of cloudless acquisitions between 1 January 2022 and 15 April 2023
#AnzacDay #Australia #NewZealand #Copernicus #Sentinel2
A few minutes after thr Texans and #Spitfire flew over Dad and I were treated to the sight of three RNZAF #helicopters an A109 and two NH90s. Again the photos aren't great (I rather like the last one) but it was a neat experience to share with Dad. #AnzacDay #avgeek
#spitfire #helicopters #AnzacDay #avgeek
It was pretty special to stand with my Dad in my parents' front yard, a few houses away from where Al Deere once lived and close to the secondary school he and I both attended, watching his nephew Brendon's magnificent #spitfire IX fly in formation with three Texan IIs of the RNZAF. The photos aren't great but the experience is what I'll treasure. #AnzacDay
My contribution to #AnzacDay:
In this #AnzacDay remember that the single most polluting entity that ever has existed is the US military forces.
Likewise, armies worldwide consume resources and produce enormous amounts of waste in exchange for violence, fear, suffering, death and oppression.
Remember the fallen, yes. But also remember they were betrayed and used as cannon fodder for the interests of the powerful.
Militarism will cost us the earth.
#AnzacDay In this small country of ours, we often find ourselves intertwined at various degrees of separation. A few years ago @rogerparkinson and I discovered we each had a great-uncle who enlisted very early in WW1 and was sent to Samoa. They were also both bandsmen, so must have known each other.
Roger's great-uncle was injured early in his war - not severely, but badly enough for him to be sent home to a desk job. Mine went on to serve on the Western Front, and did not return till 1919.
#ShadowCat and I have found a sunny spot for a coffee while various neighbours mow their lawns. I haven't made it out of my pj's yet.
Any minute now, I'll get dressed and do some work in the garden...but for now I'm enjoying snuggles and listening to the tūī
#ShadowCat #catsofmastodon #autumnsun #AnzacDay
On #AnzacDay a thought for Hemi's dad, Archibald Baxter:
A beautiful #AnzacDay Dawn Service by the water at Redcliffe this morning. Lest we forget.
Anzac Day. Day of remembrance for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps soldiers who've fought and died for their country, marked annually on 25 April, the anniversary of the Gallipoli campaign of the First World War. #AnzacDay2023 ð³ð¿ ðŠðº
ð· #Alexandra Central Otago
#NewZealand #CentralOtago #AnzacDay
#anzacday2023 #alexandra #newzealand #centralotago #AnzacDay
#AnzacDay, a time to remember, not some nonsense about 'fighting for our freedom' by invading someone else's country, but that so many were willing to die in service.
In honour of them, their families and their memory, I take #ANZAC to recommit to doing whatever I can to stop us going to war if at all possible, so that others like them might live.
Not new writing but because it is ANZAC Day ... Remembering Trevor Greek Lane #AnzacDay #FamilyHistory #Genealogy
#AnzacDay #familyhistory #genealogy
Wilhelm von Gall led Hessian troops in the British cause, but unfortunately was caught up in Burgoyne's 1777 surrender at Saratoga. He returned to Hesse-Darmstadt, where he eventually became a Chamberlain. Many of his male descendants also pursued military careers in German, French, and British armies.
#AnzacDay #AuroraAustralis from #Ataturk memorial in Breaker Bay,
#whanganuiATara #Wellington
#Aotearoa #NewZealand
It was crazy out on the south coast tonight, hundreds(!) of people hopefully waving their cellphones at the sea. We climbed up to Ataturk's Memorial, quietly awaiting its ANZAC dawn, and filmed the aurora's beams fading over passing ferries
#AnzacDay #auroraaustralis #ataturk #whanganuiatara #wellington #aotearoa #newzealand
Tomorrow is war glorification day: #AnzacDay
Somewhere else people commented against a shop promoting Anzac Day Sale. Well, there is no business bigger than war.
I can tell by how few people there are on the train (15% full at my stop), that a lot of people have taken a four-weekend with Anzac Day tomorrow. #PublicTransport #holiday #AnzacDay
#AnzacDay #holiday #publictransport
RT @CopernicusEU: Today is #ANZACDay
We send greetings to our friends, colleagues and followers from ðŠðº & ð³ð¿ with this Copernicus #Sentinel3ðªðºð°ïž image of #Australia and #NewZealand
â¯#ANZACDay2022 #LestWeForget #ANZAC
#AnzacDay #Sentinel3 #Australia #NewZealand #ANZACDay2022 #LestWeForget #ANZAC
RT @DanielJHannan: On #AnzacDay, recall the bravery of our allies and cousins who crossed half the world to fight alongside us in our need.
RT @CopernicusEU: Today is #ANZACDay
We send greetings to our friends, colleagues and followers from ðŠðº & ð³ð¿ with this Copernicus #Sentinel3ðªðºð°ïž image of #Australia and #NewZealand
â¯#ANZACDay2022 #LestWeForget #ANZAC
#AnzacDay #Sentinel3 #Australia #NewZealand #ANZACDay2022 #LestWeForget #ANZAC