IL-11 as a therapeutic target for lung #Fibrosis #Emphysema in #MarfanSyndrome
In Marfan🐭🫁, IL11-GFP reporter is active in #EndothelialCell #SmoothMuscleCell Fibroblast but not alveolar epithelia
Dr. Stuart A Cook & Wei Wen Lim lab ATVB 2023
Also don't miss the story on IL-11 as mediator of Mafan #Aortopathy from Circ Res 2022
#Aortopathy #fibrosis #emphysema #EndothelialCell #marfansyndrome #SmoothMuscleCell
Bi-allelic Emilin 1 LOF causes #Aortopathy
EMILIN1 deficiency👤🐭->
⏬Fibulin 4
⏫#TGFβ signals
Pediatric #AscendingAorticAneurysm
Dr. Gerhard Sengle & Bert Callewaert labs Am J Hum Genet 2022
#CollagenFibrillogenesis #ascendingaorticaneurysm #Aortopathy #TGFβ #Elastogenesis
In #BicuspidAorticValve #Aortopathy, #Aorta-enriched plasma cell-free DNA methylation correlated with ascending aortic #Apoptosis in regions of elevated #WallShearStress (4D flow MRI), but Not aortic diameter
An interesting method to identify tissue-enriched DNA methylation in this paper
Roadmap Epigenomics
BluePrint Epigenome
24 candidate aorta-enriched differentially methylated regions
4 used in this study
Dr. Steven Greenway lab Clin Epigenetics 2021
#apoptosis #BicuspidAorticValve #Aortopathy #aorta #WallShearStress
10k steps/day physical activity (Garmin) for 6 mo Slow down enlargement rate of #AorticRoot (Echo) in #MarfanSyndrome
15 Ctrl 12 yr+24 Intervention 14 yr
0.13 vs -0.01 cm/yr 🤠
Dr. Elif S.S. Tierney lab JAHA 2022 @MarfanFdn
Can anyone rec papers on the normal growth rate of aorta dimension in healthy children/teenagers?🙏
#Aortopathy #excercise #AorticRoot #marfansyndrome
Phospholipase Cε #Aortopathy
Plce1 KO🐭 are susceptible to ANGII-induced ascending #AorticAneurysm+Dissection
Role of adventitial myofibroblast cytokines?😎
Dr. Alan Smrcka, Santhi Ganesh, Markus Bitzer labs AJP Heart Circ 2022