Heute ist es wieder ein Stück weiter gegangen. Ich hab mit Immobilienmaklern aus der Nähe telefoniert und den anstehenden Verkauf von unserem Häuschen besprochen. Zwei davon habe ich nächste Woche zum Besichtigungstermin eingeladen. Bin neugierig wie die den Wert einschätzen. Anscheinend haben die beiden mehrere Interessenten für Objekte in unserer Wohngegend auf der Warteliste.
Das wird auf jeden Fall der Löwenanteil von unserem Startkapital zum #Auswandern nach #Neuseeland sein. #Aoteaora
#Auswandern #Neuseeland #Aoteaora
Unsere Recherchen zum #Auswandern nach #NZ laufen schon einige Wochen. Diese Woche war der Startschuss, der innere "Point of no return": dem Chef sagen dass ich gehen werde. Es ist mir nach über 12 Jahren Zusammenarbeit und sehr gutem Verhältnis sehr schwer gefallen.
Die ersten Kunden sind informiert dass ich die Firma verlasse. Die Reaktionen haben mir gut getan: zwei ernsthafte Jobangebote ohne jedes Zögern. Noch keines in #Aoteaora. Mal sehen was da noch kommt, die #Kunststoff welt ist klein
#Auswandern #nz #Aoteaora #Kunststoff
I've finally started sowing seeds for the coming growing season. In this week's blog post I talk about which tomato, chilli, herbs, and sweet pea varieties I have sown.
#blog #blogging #garden #gardening #gardeningnz #aoteaora #nztwits #vegegarden #tomato #chilli #herbs #sweetpea
#blog #blogging #garden #gardening #gardeningNZ #Aoteaora #NZTwits #vegegarden #tomato #chilli #herbs #sweetpea
So anyway. If you are in #Aoteaora #AotearoaNZ you should vote green
Labour is a right wing party
Unlearn capitalist propaganda before you aid in our destruction
Matua Salt Marsh. Tauranga. NZ
#tauranga #Aoteaora #newzealand #photography
Does anyone in #Aoteaora #AotearoaNZ know if there is anything similar to AAAP that I can contact? Aaap doesn't seem to have a working email any more and I need some advice. Help?
Thank you
The media guy answered. He's going to make some calls tomorrow. I'm going to bed soon I'm actually getting lightheaded with the heart rate going up and feeling quite woozy and not good. #LongCovid #stressonlongcovid #stresscovid #heartproblems #eviction #transitionalhousing #TeWhanganuiATara #wellingtonnz #Aoteaora #AotearoaNZ #lightheadedness #unwell #permanentlyunwell #Disabed #disability #pleasehelp
#mutualaid #covidsafe #covidsafehousing
If anyone is in a covid safe house in Wellington please contact me. Please boost, please share on other social media
You can also donate here, funds helps but also getting some kind of temporary covid safe accomodation is top priority, please help please help
#pleasehelp #help #MutualAid #covidsafe #covidsafehousing #LongCovid #stressonlongcovid #stresscovid #heartproblems #eviction #transitionalhousing #TeWhanganuiATara #wellingtonnz #Aoteaora #AotearoaNZ #lightheadedness #unwell #permanentlyunwell #Disabed #disability
Irony alert!
Christchurch Airport reckons the need to fly wide body jets into central otsgo ... because of climate change damaging the existing coastal airports at Dunedin, Inercargill - and Christchurch maybe???
#cial #chch #TarrasAirport
#avgeek #tarras #centralotago #Wanaka #wānaka #qldc #Queenstown #Aoteaora #nz #NewZealand #airstrip
#cial #chch #tarrasAirport #avgeek #tarras #centralotago #Wanaka #qldc #Queenstown #Aoteaora #nz #newzealand #airstrip
I went to the wellington trans rights rally, this was my sign. I feel very dead now.
#TransRightsAreHumanRights #wellingtonnz #Aoteaora #fightingfascism
#transrightsarehumanrights #wellingtonnz #Aoteaora #fightingfascism
These are the strongest and most expensive pieces of clothing I own. I expect them to still be good 20 years from now. #Aoteaora #NZ #clothing #clothingrepair #作業着
"Christchurch manufacturer making well-loved clothes look good as new"
#Aoteaora #nz #clothing #clothingrepair #作業着
If you are on Facebook I run this page
Non-committal labour induced memes for depressed disenfranchised post teens
Where I try teach people about l capitalism and anti capitalism, how to spot right wing shit, and talk about how the labour party is right wing and occasionally encourage people to vote green (yes I know greens aren't left enough but they are the best we have within the system, I also post a lot about Anarcho communism, harm reduction includes political harm reduction)
Please consider following and sharing posts, especially if you live in #Aoteaora #AotearoaNZ #NZTwit #nztwitts #nztwitter #NZTwitter #anticapitalismNZ #anticapitalism
I make no money from this. But it's kinda been my lil project for a while. It doesn't take a lot of effort to repost stuff most of the time vs my usual hobbies which I'm still trying to start up again but my focus is so incredibly bad still after my covid infection in May last year.
If you would like to donate tho I am gathering donations for a move out of emergency housing and into permanent social housing hopefully this march. Link in pinned post. I will also boost it so people can see.
#Aoteaora #AotearoaNZ #NZTwit #nztwitts #NZTwitter #anticapitalismnz #anticapitalism
Sorry for posting this constantly. I had to turn down the place that was offered because I won't have any basic furniture or appliances for several months while I try to fundraise. I am currently at 13% on the fundraising meter, which is enough to get maybe a second hand bed and food for now to keep me alive. I'm still in need of fundraising the rest in order to get things like a
Washing machine, drawers, shelves, a drill and level so I can put more shelves up on the walls, air purifiers, and HEPA filters for the air vents since I'll be in an apartment.
And funds for the move itself.
I absolutely cannot catch covid again, I am already disabled and another round will kill me. I cannot work to save up for these basic necessities, hand washing my clothes while this I'll will not be possible either. I will stop posting this once I have this funded. I'm so sorry for keep posting this.
A place will be available this year anywhere between two to three to 6 months from now, I am still in emergency housing in the meantime.
Your donations are much appreciated, your continued boosting is also appreciated
#diasbled #movingfund #mutualaid #help #covidisnotover #maskup #longcovid #disability #permanentlysick #permanentdisability #emergencyhousing #socialhousing #nztwitter #nztwits #nztwitter #AotearoaNZ #Aoteaora #fundraising
#diasbled #movingfund #MutualAid #help #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #LongCovid #disability #permanentlysick #permanentdisability #emergencyhousing #socialhousing #NZTwitter #NZTwits #AotearoaNZ #Aoteaora #fundraising
This is my first Christmas in #Aoteaora #NewZeaand which means that it is my first time seeing #pohutukawa blooming. They are absolutely gorgeous.
#photography #plants #flowers
#Aoteaora #newzeaand #pohutukawa #photography #plants #flowers
nEw zEaLaNd hAs SoCiAlZeD hEalThCaRe
#medicine #newzealand #NewZealand #NewZealandIsNotSocialist #WeBarelyHaveMedicine
#Aoteaora #immigrants #notwhatyouthink #americannurses #nurses #traveltonz #donttraveltonz #wehavenoproperhealthcare
#Underfunded #underfundedmedicine #nzisrightwing #rightwinghellhole
Some meds here are funded. But the newest and best ones are not. In actual fact we are about 40 years behind in medicine here and we don't have a comprehensive range of testing available unless you have health insurance. If you are coming here for our healthcare think again. We do not have proper healthcare. At all.
#medicine #newzealand #newzealandisnotsocialist #webarelyhavemedicine #Aoteaora #immigrants #notwhatyouthink #americannurses #nurses #traveltonz #donttraveltonz #wehavenoproperhealthcare #underfunded #underfundedmedicine #nzisrightwing #rightwinghellhole
Hello again. How is everyone doing today.
Still masking I hope.
We are a new mutual aid group that aims to help people get good quality masks and air purifiers within #Aoteaora #AotearoaNZ NZ
#MaskUp #CovidIsNotOver #AirPurifiers #cleanairnz #pandemicnz #CovidNZ #LongCovid
Please boost our pinned toot so more people can know we exist
Taking physical donations currently until monetary donations are available.
Email in bio
#Aoteaora #AotearoaNZ #MaskUp #CovidIsNotOver #AirPurifiers #cleanairnz #pandemicnz #CovidNZ #LongCovid