Apache Guacamole avec un reverse proxy basé sur pfSense, HAProxy et Let’s Encrypt https://www.it-connect.fr/apache-guacamole-reverse-proxy-pfsense-haproxy/ #SécuritéInformatique #ApacheGuacamole #Let'sEncrypt #reverseproxy #pfSense #Haproxy #PfSense
#securiteinformatique #ApacheGuacamole #let #reverseproxy #pfsense #haproxy
Apache Guacamole : comment configurer l’authentification Active Directory (LDAP) ? https://www.it-connect.fr/apache-guacamole-configurer-authentification-active-directory-ldap/ #SécuritéInformatique #ActiveDirectory #ApacheGuacamole
#securiteinformatique #activedirectory #ApacheGuacamole
Was playing around with #ApacheGuacamole this evening. Nice product. I did have trouble with two things:
1. SSH keys. Didn’t get it working. Saw that Guacamole doesn’t support ed25519, but couldn’t get legacy keys working either
2. Ubuntu VNC worked reasonably well. But as soon as the client locked the screen, VNC stopped working. A bug, it seems. Found a command to wake it up via SSH. Regarding this workaround, see no. 1 above
Next I’ll try out RDP on to both Linux and Windows VMs. Maybe Linux RDP will be better than VNC.
Plan is to set up an OpenVPN (certificate and pass phrase) to Guacamole (pass phrase and TOTP) in DMZ vlan which has FW allow rules to specific hosts and ports in other vlans … all of which I only enable if I am traveling.
#ApacheGuacamole #homelab #pfsense #proxmox