Managing #ApacheKafka topics, ACLs, Schemas and Connectors by hand is doable on small environments but a nightmare if Kafka is spanning across several use-cases, teams, and approval flows.
Here is where a tool like Klaw can become useful, by separating the management of Kafka from the implementation.
Watch the intro video at
Consuming #ApacheKafka messages in the browser using Aiven's Karapace the #opensource Rest Proxy (that also provides #schemaregistry functionality)
#ApacheKafka #opensource #schemaregistry
When demoing #streaming apps live at a conference, having bad WiFi can be a challenge, ask me how I know 😀
Check out how to define event driven web apps with Flask and #ApacheKafka
Kafka tutorial generates a primitive 3D visualization from a MIDI data stream. (2022)
#ApacheKafka #Confluent #midi #javascript #musodon #musicproduction
At the beginning of my Aiven adventure...
#eventdriven application with #ApacheKafka and #python
#eventdriven #ApacheKafka #python
Was experimenting today with #Debezium and the #PostgreSQL logical decoding messages.
The message is encoded in #ApacheKafka based on the binary.handling.mode parameter, with base64 being the default
Glad that #ApacheFlink has a native SQL function to decode from base64: FROM_BASE64
More info:
- Debezium logical decoding messages
- ApacheFlink FROM_BASE64 function
#debezium #postgresql #ApacheKafka #apacheFlink
"Anderson Dawes" appears in Confluent's Apache Kafka tutorials.
#theexpanse #andersondawes #scifi #nerdhumor #Confluent #ApacheKafka
New to #ApacheKafka? Check out how you can start understanding the basics of Producters, Consumers, Consumer Group and Kafka Connect with #python and #jupyterNotebooks!
#ApacheKafka #python #JupyterNotebooks
@ftisiot I'm obviously biassed, because I work at Aiven and @ftisiot is a colleague, but I loved this, and I do love the data dances one can do with #ApacheKafka and #ApacheFlink
Need to convert #ApacheKafka topics from JSON to AVRO (bonus points for using #SchemaRegistry)?
Check how you can do it with #ApacheFlink
#ApacheKafka #schemaregistry #apacheFlink
Need to covert #ApacheKafka topics from JSON to AVRO (bonus points for using #SchemaRegistry)?
Check how you can do it with #ApacheFlink
#ApacheKafka #schemaregistry #apacheFlink
People say that #ApacheKafka preserves message ordering... but is it true?
The reply is.... maybe!
Read my blog to understand corner cases and know how to ensure that messages are in the correct sequence!
One of the many things I learned from #AndreaMedda and #MattBoyle here at #QConLondon is how they are bringing @ApacheKafka to its limits.
Very impressive how they managed to grow so fast not only in numbers but also tech wise. Don't think a lot of companies on the globe are utilizing #MicroServices to a degree where you process more than a trillion messages between them using #ApacheKafka.
I also wasn't aware that @cloudflare started as a #PHP company.
Fascinating talk.
#php #ApacheKafka #microservices #qconlondon #mattboyle #andreamedda
Need a streaming dataset for #ApacheKafka?
Check out how to create one in minutes with #Docker
New blog is out!
One of #ApacheKafka’s mantra is that it preserves message ordering, but, is it true?
Check out the edge cases and how to solve them (also using #ApacheFlink)
#ApacheKafka #apacheFlink #datastreaming
1-hour count down 🎉
Let's learn some #kafka!!
Join me on the first step into checking out #datainfrastructure with
Join us on Twitch Tuesday, March 13th at 11am PST/ 2pm EST
Links in 🧵
#kafka #datainfrastructure #ApacheKafka #eventdriven
Had the pleasure of being interviewed by @alex_casalboni for the @awscloud podcast in Italian.
Easy part: share my passion about #datastreaming with #ApacheKafka and #ApacheFlink
Complex part: talk about work in Italian after 15 years.
#datastreaming #ApacheKafka #apacheFlink
Y’all, I’m stoked about learning some #kafka!! Join me on the first step into checking out #datainfrastructure with @Cerchie
Join us on Twitch Tuesday March 13th at 11am PST/ 2pm EST
#kafka #datainfrastructure #ApacheKafka #eventdriven
Announcing: Confluent add-on for Ockam Orchestrator
Tamper-proof and end-to-end encrypted secure channels through Kafka in Confluent Cloud, with zero-code changes.
That's right, no code changes 🤯 just a few simple commands and you're done.
Here's a step by step example, please give it a try:
#apache #ApacheKafka #Confluent #ockam #e2ee
Wondering how to track the changes in a #PostgreSQL database to #ApacheKafka?
Join @saltnburnem and me today, at 7PM CET on Twitch to find it out!
Hint: #CDC with #Debezium FTW!
#postgresql #ApacheKafka #cdc #debezium #changedatacapture