Alberto Balsam
The song says "iconic" even if it is your first listen.
#AphexTwin #musodon #electronicmusic
@limebar I also really like Chris Cunningham's video for #AphexTwin Windowlicker.
user18081971 (Aphex Twin) - qu 1
"some time in April, 2020, Richard D. James (Aphex Twin) uploaded a track to his alternate soundcloud account user18081971. he left a message in the track description (that has now been removed) mentioning the loss of his father and a warning about the C19 pandemic."
#AphexTwin #music 2020
It appears to have reached that stage of the evening...
Aphex Twin: Selected Ambient Works Volume 2
#music #AFX #AphexTwin #LucidDreaming #minimalism #drone
#TonightsListening #music #afx #AphexTwin #luciddreaming #minimalism #drone
https://www.mixcloud.com/djsofabed/sleep-in-the-light/ A super chill mix for tjos weekend. #KenjiKihara
#marylattimore #ghostly
#Milieu #Neotantra
#SatoshiAshikawa #lightintheattic
#ScottCampbell #seilrecords
#SulkRooms #thomasragsmusic #werrafoxma
#Colleen #thrilljockey
#Geotic #BATHSmusic
#JohnMartyn #LateNightTales
#kenjikihara #marylattimore #ghostly #milieu #neotantra #mo #pornswordtobacco #rickyeatacid #satoshiashikawa #lightintheattic #scottcampbell #seilrecords #sulkrooms #thomasragsmusic #werrafoxma #wavetemples #xyr #AphexTwin #colleen #thrilljockey #emerance #geotic #bathsmusic #jupi #JohnMartyn #latenighttales #Hendrix #jogginghouse #hnny
#ArielPink #AtlasSound #AllahLas #SunstackJones #BlackSubmarine #CutCopy #AtomsForPeace #DavidBowie #MyMorningJacket #HiatusKaiyote #AphexTwin #AFX #Mew #Bibio #BlackLips #SufjanStevens #FleetFoxes #ShugoTokumaru #Blur #TheChameleons #ChameleonsUK #LedZeppelin #VashtiBunyan #AmorDeDias #FutureIslands #FatherJohnMisty #JohnFahey #RichardAshcroft #Raveonettes #TheWarOnDrugs #Cornelius #TheHorrors #ShyeBenTzur #Sulk #Westkust #Air #iamamiwhoami #MyBloodyValentine #MBV
#arielpink #atlassound #allahlas #sunstackjones #blacksubmarine #cutcopy #atomsforpeace #davidbowie #mymorningjacket #hiatuskaiyote #AphexTwin #afx #mew #bibio #blacklips #sufjanstevens #fleetfoxes #shugotokumaru #blur #thechameleons #chameleonsuk #ledzeppelin #vashtibunyan #amordedias #futureislands #fatherjohnmisty #johnfahey #richardashcroft #raveonettes #thewarondrugs #cornelius #thehorrors #shyebentzur #sulk #westkust #air #iamamiwhoami #MyBloodyValentine #mbv
fanart of snales chacater on twitter
MusicRadar published a fun sound break down of Aphex Twin's debut album from 30 years ago. https://www.musicradar.com/news/how-aphex-twin-made-saw-85-92 #music #edm #synths #aphextwin
#music #edm #synths #AphexTwin
@surveychannel Curious what you think of #DrumAndBass then. Not sure whether #AphexTwin would be considered as such, though he is to me in some ways, but not others.
I truly bungled my #introduction. I forgot hashtags are the golden ticket here.
I'm Matt. I make #electronicmusic, or #electronica, utilizing elements of #soundcollage, #sampling, #psychedelia and #ambient textures via #tape, #synthesis and off-kilter grooves. For fans of artists like #Tobacco, #BlackMoth SuperRainbow, #Arovane, #AphexTwin, christ and #BoardsofCanada.
#introduction #electronicmusic #electronica #soundcollage #sampling #psychedelia #ambient #tape #synthesis #Tobacco #BlackMoth #Arovane #AphexTwin #boardsofcanada
"T69 Collapse" by Aphex Twin on Collapse EP
#nowplaying #fediplay #AphexTwin