9. Plz someone run me this #TTRPG
I ran a game of #ApocalypseKeys some time ago. But those characters archetypes are so great I want to play one of them. Well, several of them.
#septemberpg #ttrpg #ApocalypseKeys
Im #Sommer ist bei mir immer selbstgewählte #pnpde-Flaute.
Aber so langsam geht’s wieder los:
🏛️ 🐍 Die montägliche Mittwochsrunde ist wieder angelaufen und lässt uns mit #Cortex gegen pseudogriechische misogyne Philosophen und Krümelfrauen ziehen.
🚪🗝️ Heute Abend kann ich wieder meinen geliebten Alex (the Great!) in #ApocalypseKeys spielen!
💎🛶 Und morgen rollt auch endlich das tolle #FitD #CourtOfBlades wieder an, für dass ich mir dringend ein bisschen neue Edelsteinmagie ausdenken muss!
#sommer #pnpde #cortex #ApocalypseKeys #fitd #CourtofBlades
In Apocalypse Keys, the books devour you...
I still got two seats for this campaign! Join now before they are taken!
Hungry for Knowledge - Apocalypse Keys: The Sentient Library
#RPGLATAM #ttrpg #pbta #ApocalypseKeys
#indierpgnewsletter #ttrpg #ApocalypseKeys #whitewolf #ux
Preparing the Playbooks for Apocalypse keys on the @roleapp! Those playbooks are a bit beefier than most other PbtA games, but I love how juicy they are!
Sign up for #ApocalypseKeys on Thursdays, 8 am GMT -3
Sign up for #ApocalypseKeys on Thursdays, 8 pm GMT -3
Sign up for #ApocalypseKeys on Thursdays, 8 am GMT -3
Sign up for #ApocalypseKeys on Thursdays, 8 pm GMT -3
Dank Sphärenmeister hat es doch noch seinen Weg hierher gefunden! #ApocalypseKeys, ein Rollenspiel über Monster, die versuchen, die Apokalypse aufzuhalten und sie dabei vielleicht selbst entfesseln.
139: Pacing and the Deck
I know it sounds like a band name but it's actually about a deck of cards as a pacing tool.
by @thomas
#indierpgnewsletter #ttrpg #mothershiprpg #ApocalypseKeys
I got to read through most of Apocalypse Keys today and it activated my brain, like, a lot 👀 I love darker themes and ~vulnerability~ and queerness??? If anyone is out there interested in getting something together, hmu~
My latest essay is about "Apocalypse Keys" by Rae Nedjadi! Reading through its moves and playbooks, I was hit with the overwhelming sense that this game wanted me to want to belong, and it hit me hard in a lot of weird, personal ways. I hope the essay does its themes justice.
Essay- https://youtu.be/VdSsvtq2BI8
Transcript- https://aavoigt.com/f/apocalypse-keys-and-desperation-to-belong
#ttrpg #indiegame #indiettrpg #apocalypsekeys
#ttrpg #indiegame #indiettrpg #ApocalypseKeys
136: Conceptual Models 2
by @thomas
#IndieRPGNewsletter #BladesInTheDark #ttrpg #Ironsworn #ApocalypseKeys
#indierpgnewsletter #bladesinthedark #ttrpg #ironsworn #ApocalypseKeys
Helluva good mail day when you get multiple kickstarter projects!
#ApocalypseKeys #KillSampleProcess
#ApocalypseKeys #KillSampleProcess
Yet another RPG to throw on the To Read pile.
Bought this blind because I trust @evilhatofficial
#TTRPG #ApocalypseKeys
Apocalypse Keys came in from the KS yesterday! Has been added to the Evil Hat shelf. Very excited. #ttrpg #apocalypsekeys #evilhat
#ttrpg #ApocalypseKeys #evilhat