David: an introduction. Nearing my 5th decade on this planet. I come from a family of 26 kids (20 of us are adopted). 4 years ago I found my biological mom and sister and have a great relationship with them. I some hashtags about me #cooking #zombiebooks #ApocalypticFuturism #crochet #dogs #FarmersMarkets #wonderwoman #marvelmovies #startrek #orange #sunflowers #Halloween #coffee #lgbtqia #biracial
#cooking #zombiebooks #ApocalypticFuturism #crochet #dogs #FarmersMarkets #wonderwoman #marvelmovies #startrek #orange #sunflowers #Halloween #coffee #lgbtqia #biracial
In lieu of a re-introduction, going to repost the 5 incredibly obscure hashtags that describe my current research:
#EconomicCrashes #LiteraryTemporality #19cSocialism #ApocalypticFuturism #DickensKeynesBenjamin