Clement of Rome
Clement was a fellow worker alongside the Apostle Paul, and is mentioned in one of the letters to the church in Philippi (Phil 4:3).
According to tradition, Clement was the bishop/leader of the church in Rome during the first century. He was a disciple of the Apostle Peter and wrote two epistles to the Corinthians, which are still extant and can be read today.
If Peter got his teachings from Jesus, wouldn’t it be interesting to hear what he passed on and taught Clement? Are we still teaching what was passed down from the earliest disciples?
Learn more about Clement and Early Christanity at:
#TheVoiceOfHealing #ClementofRome #Peter #Traditions #Disciples #Apostles #Discipline #Truth #Love #Stone #Rock #Ascend #Heavens #Mind
#mind #heavens #Ascend #rock #stone #love #truth #discipline #Apostles #disciples #traditions #Peter #ClementofRome #thevoiceofhealing
Who were the Early Church Fathers?
The earliest fathers/apostles of the church are very well known men who learned from Jesus, men such as: Peter, John (ref Luke 6:13-14), and Paul (ref Gal 1:12). Jesus instructed His disciples to go out and make disciples, teaching them to observe all things that He commanded them (Mat 28:18-20).
The Apostle Paul told the church to commit what he taught to the faithful ones in the church who would be able to teach others (2Ti 2:2). The sub-apostolic fathers were men who personally knew and/or learned from the disciples of Jesus, and passed down those teachings to their students.
Learn more about the early church fathers at
#TheVoiceOfHealing #Fathers #Apostolic #Succession #Traditions #Disciples #Order #Follow #Leader #Apostles #HighPriest #Chrisitian #FiveFoldMinistry #5 #Blessed #Angel
#angel #blessed #FiveFoldMinistry #Chrisitian #HighPriest #Apostles #leader #follow #order #disciples #traditions #succession #Apostolic #fathers #thevoiceofhealing
Honor your Father and Mother
“Honor your father and mother” (Exo 20:12). What is this really saying?
The apostles were the fathers of the New Testament church & their main duty was to raise up believers in their maturity of spiritual matters.
#SpiritualMaturity #Apostles #voh
Decoding the Message
We know that when Jesus spoke, He spoke in parables. The real meaning in His teachings were hidden or encrypted in those parables. Jesus explained that the knowledge of the mysteries was given to the disciples, but not to the rest because they didn’t have eyes to see or ears to hear.
According to Paul, the revelation of the mysteries are made known to God’s holy apostles and prophets, (Eph 3:5).
#Parables #Apostles #Decode #Encrypt #thevoiceofhealing
There are many who believe that the only apostles were the 12 appointed by Jesus, yet the book of Luke tells us that there were at least 70. Revelation 10:7 says that at the sound of the 7th trumpet sound, the mystery of God would be complete as declared by God’s servants, the prophets. Apostles and prophets are not just titles, but offices that carry specific functions as Paul said in Ephesians 4:11.
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#prophets #Apostles #thevoiceofhealing
God's Voice
God said at the sound of the last trumpet, the mystery of God (His secret design, His hidden purpose) He announced to his servants the prophets would be declared (fulfilled, accomplished), (Rev 10:7 AMP). God is declaring the revelation of His plans through the sound of the trumpet.
The trumpets are the prophets, the mouthpiece of God, declaring His words.
Check out for more.
#Apostles #prophets #god #Trumpet #thevoiceofhealing
In Ephesians 3:8, Paul says that the grace was given to him to give to the church. What is this grace; is it a covering for when we sin?
Paul explains that the grace given is the revelation of the mysteries of God’s word. Once received, we no longer continue in sin or ignorance of the Word.
Those who reject the apostles & the prophets by saying they no longer exist, in effect, reject the spirit of prophecy, which is the revelation.
#Mystery #Prophecy #Apostles #gift #grace #thevoiceofhealing