Resurrected an ancient post from my time on failed birdsite-competitor #AppDotNet that still feels relevant. I’d all but stopped posting to :birdsite: often because it still feels that way. On the fediverse, I’m with friends and we can just have fun learning and sharing without any algorithmic shenanigans. 😁
My #Introduction is better late than never!
• Tulsa, OK native 🇺🇸
• Product manager by day, serial hobbyist by night
• Homebrewer, designer, writer, former niche podcaster
• 25+ years as a Netizen
• Former user of Geocities, and twttr
This community reminds me of the net as I once knew it. A place where I learned new and interesting things often and didn't log off feeling like trash. I'm excited to be a part of this wonderful group.
#homebrew #AppDotNet #product #Designers #VoteBlue #Introduction