I’m really enjoying the remake of Ridiculous Fishing on #AppleArcade. Super fun and nostalgic. But I’m stumped on the last fish in the Fish-o-pedia. I assume it’s a “friend” because it’s between the green friend and the yella’ friend in the list… any idea?
I’ve caught every other fish! #RidiculousFishing
#AppleArcade #ridiculousfishing
Wer’s noch nicht gespielt hat und #AppleArcade Abonnent ist: Stardew Valley ist ab sofort verfügbar! https://apps.apple.com/ch/app/stardew-valley/id6449264810 #iOS #Apple #StardewValley
#AppleArcade #ios #Apple #stardewvalley
Die Neuauflage #RidiculousFishingEX bei #AppleArcade lässt tolle Erinnerungen an das großartige Original aufkommen.
Leider lässt das Spiel iPhone 14 Pro und iPad Pro so heiß werden, dass man dem Akku beim Leerlaufen zusehen kann und Sorge um die Geräte hat. Die Neigungssteuerung auf dem iPhone ist zudem etwas buggy.
Auf einem AppleTV ruckelt das Spiel so stark, dass es unspielbar ist. Ich mache noch einen Versuch auf einem M2 MAX, ansonsten bleibt wohl nur, auf einen Patch zu warten.
#ridiculousfishingex #AppleArcade #gaming
Kids playing TMNT on #AppleArcade - fun! Karai is whooping their asses hahah
Apple added over 20 titles to Arcade today. But the things I would die for: remastered versions of Flight Control and Harbor Master. Maybe even Plants vs Zombies. I spent so much time playing these titles back in the day and I miss the time when this whole In-App-Coin-Scam-Thing wasn’t even a thing yet.
#AppleArcade #gaming #ipad #ios
#Swisscom verschenkt zurzeit mehrere Monate kostenlosen Zugriff auf #AppleArcade und #AppleFitnessPlus https://myservicecrm.swisscom.ch/swisscom/landingpage/#/apple-arcade #iOS
#swisscom #AppleArcade #applefitnessplus #ios
Bleak Sword DX upgrades the bleakness this year on PC and Switch
https://www.destructoid.com/bleak-sword-dx-upgrades-the-bleakness-this-year-on-pc-and-switch/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=bleak-sword-dx-upgrades-the-bleakness-this-year-on-pc-and-switch #DevolverDigital #SteamNextFest #AppleArcade #Switch #News #PC
#DevolverDigital #SteamNextFest #AppleArcade #Switch #News #PC
Pocket Card Jockey: Ride On! is a better version of the 3DS classic
https://www.destructoid.com/pocket-card-jockey-ride-on-apple-arcade-impressions/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=pocket-card-jockey-ride-on-apple-arcade-impressions #PocketCardJockeyRideOn #DestructoidOriginals #Mobilegaming #AppleArcade #Impressions #Mobile #mobile #port
#PocketCardJockeyRideOn #DestructoidOriginals #Mobilegaming #AppleArcade #Impressions #Mobile #port
Apple has more than 935 million paid subscriptions worldwide https://www.theapplepost.com/2023/02/02/apple-has-more-than-935-million-paid-subscriptions-worldwide/
#AppleNews #AppleArcade #AppleFitness+ #AppleMusic #AppleNews #AppleTV #AppleCare #iCloud
#AppleNews #AppleArcade #applefitness #AppleMusic #appletv #AppleCare #iCloud
Q1 2023 set all-time revenue record of $20.8 billion for Apple’s growing Services business https://www.theapplepost.com/2023/02/02/q1-2023-set-all-time-revenue-record-of-20-8-billion-for-apples-growing-services-business/
#AppleNews #AppleArcade #AppleFitness+ #AppleMusic #AppleNews #AppleTV #iCloud
#AppleNews #AppleArcade #applefitness #AppleMusic #appletv #iCloud
Any one play Warped Cart Racer on #Applearcade https://youtu.be/hllItU128ho
Pocket Card Jockey rides onto Apple Arcade later this month
https://www.destructoid.com/pocket-card-jockey-apple-arcade-release/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=pocket-card-jockey-apple-arcade-release #PocketCardJockeyRideOn #Mobilegaming #AppleArcade #mobile #News
#PocketCardJockeyRideOn #Mobilegaming #AppleArcade #Mobile #News
5 great Apple Arcade games I probably should have written about this year
https://www.destructoid.com/5-best-apple-arcade-games-2022-destructoid/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=5-best-apple-arcade-games-2022-destructoid #Mobilegaming #AppleArcade #Listmania! #Mobile #mobile
#Mobilegaming #AppleArcade #Listmania #Mobile
Apple Arcade games: I haven’t found a game I really like yet, all the games feel limited by either storyline or gameplay/controls, which games am I missing? I like all kinds of games really, just looking for something…idk deeper. #gaming #ios #AppleArcade
OK, Lets get this out in the open once and for all.... If you own a Apple Mac computer with either a modern Intel or Apple Silicon CPU that can run macOS 11, 12 or 13... You NEED this in your life (And on your SSD)
Yes if you cannot guess this track was giving me some serious headaches. Glad when I finally beat it!
Football Manager Touch on Apple Arcade was a nice surprise. Wasn’t expecting the full match experience in the Touch version. Only got through one friendly match though because of all the goals. #FootballManager #MobileGames #AppleArcade
#FootballManager #mobilegames #AppleArcade
3 years after launch, Apple Arcade loses 15 games
#Gaming&Culture #AppleAppStore #AppleArcade #mobilegames #apple #Tech
#gaming #AppleAppStore #AppleArcade #MobileGames #Apple #tech