Secure Scuttlebutt
#Scuttlebutt is a #decentralised secure gossip platform. It is a protocol for building #decentralized #applications that works well offline and that no one person can control. Because there is no central server, Scuttlebutt clients connect to their peers to exchange information. Scuttlebutt is a flexible protocol, capable of supporting many different types of applications.
#scuttlebutt #decentralised #decentralized #Applications #fosdem
#SummerSchool in #AI #Ethics #Law in September - Call for #Applications open · Dataetisk Tænkehandletank #ArtificialIntelligence #KI #KünstlicheIntelligenz
#SummerSchool #AI #ethics #Law #Applications #ArtificialIntelligence #KI #KünstlicheIntelligenz