Screw it, #AprilFools is a good time to finally finish a joke.
Eastern dragons are great because the cuddling options are endless. I mean, just imagine how adorable it would be to have two noodle dergs hugging in a double helix.
They'd be like twisted-pair cabling :)
But the existence of twisted-pair dragons implies the existence of coaxial dragons...
@RWTaylors Every day is #AprilFools at Labour!
[2022-04-01 07:29 UTC]
Happy fooling around!
#AprilFools #Funny #Prank #play
April Fools' Day is fast approaching and there's no better time than now to start planning out elaborate pranks. On SoulCams, we prepared with some funny virtual gifts. They are available from today for 3 days. Check them out on the site! #AprilFools #Prank #funny #joke #hoax #cheat #fun #memes #AprilFool #laugh #hahaha
#AprilFools #Prank #Funny #joke #hoax #cheat #fun #memes #AprilFool #laugh #hahaha