🎧 Special Feature: The app that significantly helped @daniel to build TelemetryDeck, @darknoise. It is a delightful ambient noise app that can help you sleep, focus, and relax. Developer: @charliemchapman.
⌨️ The Mac App @RemafoX_App by @Jeehut is designed to fill the gaps in Xcode and streamline the app localization process.
⌨️ The RoadKit app by HYPERLINK makes it easy to manage your feature requests and bug reports, with a simple ticketing system that allows you to track and prioritize issues.
⌨️ Launchbuddy by Florian Schweizer helps you keep track of your app ideas. The app also has task management features focused on actually releasing your apps.
⌨️ SecureShellfish by Anders Borum is a powerful SSH terminal for iOS & Mac. https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1336634154
This month, we focus on #DeveloperTools. Discover 5 apps, that help you write better code, stay more focussed or work even smarter: https://telemetrydeck.com/blog/developer-tools/?source=fediverse
#AprilMemberShoutout #developertools