Excited to have received my copy of We Go Where They Go: The Story of Anti-Racist Action.
Paris #ARA -1°C🌨
Em fa plaer de rebra la pressa al meu dispositiu. Sobretot quand fa fred fora.
Ça fait plaisir de recevoir la presse sur son appareil. Surtout lordque dehors il gèle.
Paris #ARA -1°C🌨
Em fa plaer de rebra la pressa al meu dispositiu. Sobretot quand fa fred fora.
Ça fait plaisir de recevoir la presse sur son appareil. Surtout lordque dehors il gèle.
Plant native, encourage biodiversity! #anarchism #socialism #communism #afa #ara #antifa #biodiversity #nature
#nature #biodiversity #antifa #Ara #afa #communism #socialism #anarchism
Seeing the kickstarter campaign on the history of Anti-Racist Action, reminded me I have this poster from a ?1990? ARA concert held at the Univ of Minnesota.
BASH BACK, STRIKE FIRST #communist #anarchist #socialist #queer #LGBTQ #afa #ara
#Ara #afa #LGBTQ #queer #socialist #anarchist #communist
Anyone here been playing Victoria 3? I find it very enjoyable to turn countries communist very early and try to make it a leftist paradise by end game #communism #anarchism #socialism #afa #ara #gaming #victoria3 #vicky #anticapitalist #antifascist
#antifascist #anticapitalist #Vicky #Victoria3 #gaming #Ara #afa #socialism #anarchism #communism
Elon Musk speed ran the destruction of a whole ass company. What company would you like to be speed ran next? #twitter #afa #ara #anarchist #socialist #communist #lol #antifa #socialmedia #Anarkhia
#Anarkhia #socialmedia #antifa #lol #communist #socialist #anarchist #Ara #afa #twitter
Me and the comrades after hearing about the queen's death #anarchism #socialism #communism #afa #Ara #ira #landback #FREEIRELAND #antifa #queen
#queen #antifa #FREEIRELAND #landback #ira #Ara #afa #communism #socialism #anarchism
Anarcho-capitalists are authoritarians, you can't change my mind. #Anarchism #Socialism #Communism #afa #ara #antifa #ancom #ancap #toxic
#toxic #ancap #ancom #antifa #Ara #afa #communism #socialism #anarchism
Public transportation for all, down with Elon and down with Tesla! #anarchism #socialism #communism #afa #ara #antifa #tesla #elon #trains
#trains #elon #tesla #antifa #Ara #afa #communism #socialism #anarchism
Bye Bye Shinzo! #anarchism #socialism #communism #afa #ara #antifa #shinzo
#shinzo #antifa #Ara #afa #communism #socialism #anarchism
You cannot achieve Anarchism without Leftism, Anarcho-Capitalists are Corporate tyrants. #anarchism #socialism #communism #antifa #afa #ara
#Ara #afa #antifa #communism #socialism #anarchism
Bring Nu Metal back and make it blatantly antifascist! #anarchism #socialism #communism #ara #afa #numetal #limpbizkit #korn #antifa
#antifa #korn #limpbizkit #numetal #afa #Ara #communism #socialism #anarchism
Not a liberal, not sorry. #anarchism #socialism #communism #afa #ara #antifa #iww #IronFront #equality #queer #pride #leftist #left
#left #leftist #pride #queer #equality #IronFront #iww #antifa #Ara #afa #communism #socialism #anarchism
Still need that Possum tattoo! #anarchism #socialism #communism #afa #ara #antifa #queer #antifascist #rabm #liberation #pride
#pride #liberation #rabm #antifascist #queer #antifa #Ara #afa #communism #socialism #anarchism
Never forget it! #anarchism #socialism #communism #ara #afa #imperialism #revolution
#revolution #imperialism #afa #Ara #communism #socialism #anarchism
DIY assists the act of ungovernability! #anarchism #socialism #communism #afa #ara #antifa #diy
#diy #antifa #Ara #afa #communism #socialism #anarchism
I have never seen such a bad take, it's like whoever made this watched too many alternate history youtube videos and decided to give it a go #anarchist #socialism #communism #ara #afa #antifa #badtake #america #solution #olympia #Libertas #Dixie #TheUnion
#TheUnion #Dixie #Libertas #olympia #solution #america #badtake #antifa #afa #Ara #communism #socialism #anarchist