Hohes Volumen auf dezentralen Krypto-Börsen: Alles nur Bots? https://www.btc-echo.de/schlagzeilen/hohes-volumen-auf-dezentralen-krypto-boersen-alles-nur-bots-165650/ #Investment #Arbitrage #Uniswap #DEX
#Investment #Arbitrage #Uniswap #dex
Here's the 5-minute USDC chart.
I'm not hodling much #USDC right now, I'm mostly using #DAI. However I don't feel that this is going to be a #UST type situation.
Circle is one of the most robust stables out there, and it's been battle-tested many a time. It is fully collateralized.
I do see a lot of people shorting USDC right now though--imagine that, shorting a stablecoin... whatever you decide to do, just don't get #rekt for that 2% #arbitrage.
#USDC #dai #UST #rekt #Arbitrage
"There is no value adding innovation, just loophole arbitrage." such a great thread https://thetrichordist.com/2023/01/08/davidclowery-silicon-valleys-loophole-arbitrage-on-display-yet-again-with-openai/ #openai #loophole #arbitrage
Arbitrage: Kann man mit der Handelsstrategie noch reich werden? https://www.btc-echo.de/news/arbitrage-kann-man-mit-der-strategie-noch-reich-werden-157559/ #Investment #Arbitrage
Report: 950 FTX Users in Taiwan Had Digital Funds Worth $150 Million Held on the Exchange When It Collapsed
#interest-bearingproducts #CryptocurrencyExchange #EnlightenLawGroup #interestrates #Arbitrage #Featured #ftx
#Interest #cryptocurrencyexchange #EnlightenLawGroup #interestrates #Arbitrage #Featured #FTX
2 binômes français 🇫🇷 au Championnat du Monde masculin 2023 (les sœurs Bonaventura et les frères Gasmi) + 1 binôme français réserviste (Julien Mursch et Yann Carmaux)
#handball #arbitrage
2 binômes français 🇫🇷 au Championnat du Monde masculin 2023 (les sœurs Bonaventura et les frères Gasmi) + 1 binôme français réserviste (Julien Mursch et Yann Carmaux)
#handball #arbitrage
CME Bitcoin futures trade at a discount, but is that a good or a bad thing?
#derivatives #arbitrage #contagion #markets #futures #CME
#derivatives #Arbitrage #contagion #markets #Futures #cme
Investment: Wie man mit Krypto-Arbitrage Rendite erzielen kann https://www.btc-echo.de/podcast/investment-wie-man-mit-krypto-arbitrage-rendite-erzielen-kann-153865/ #Bärenmarkt #Interview #Arbitrage
#Bärenmarkt #Interview #Arbitrage
Kurscrash: GALA-Token von 55-Milliarden-Coin-Mint betroffen https://www.btc-echo.de/schlagzeilen/kurscrash-gala-token-von-55-milliarden-coin-mint-betroffen-153797/ #Sicherheit #Arbitrage #GalaGames #Huobi
#Sicherheit #Arbitrage #GalaGames #Huobi
The impact of the Wintermute hack could have been worse than 3AC, Voyager and Celsius — Here is why
#wintermute #arbitrage #optimism #Markets #celsius #hack
#Wintermute #Arbitrage #Optimism #markets #Celsius #hack
Tired of losing money? Here are 2 reasons why retail investors always lose
#derivatives #arbitrage #Robinhood #Markets #futures #trading #Nickel #eToro #3AC #FCA
#derivatives #Arbitrage #robinhood #markets #Futures #trading #nickel #eToro #3AC #FCA