@mrpablington @Azurakumo
About to finish #HighOnLife
Picked #Firewatch back up on the #Deck after dropping out of it years ago
Still jumping into #ArcadeParadise
Trying to decide if I wanna start #TheBookwalker or #BrambleTheMountainKing
Or maybe #Everspace to get me into galaxy exploring mode as I've already "preloaded" #Starfield and need something to distract me from clicking an icon that won't work till September 6th.
#highonlife #firewatch #deck #ArcadeParadise #thebookwalker #BrambleTheMountainKing #everspace #starfield
Trying to get in more from my Steam library since I've had stuff on there forever, lol. For a long time before cloud saves became a thing it was hard to get through games. I'd tinker with my OS too hard and break it often. Now that I can set up extra library folders in a fresh Steam install and copy the old folder into it, it's easier to continue games with local only save files.
#fallenearthclassic #push #superbrothersswordandsorcery #ArcadeParadise #brokendreams #spelunx
I've played a bit of #ArcadeParadise and it is almost good, but doesn't quite make it :(
Some of the arcade games are good, the atmosphere is OK, but the chores you have to do are just tiresome and they get in the way of experiencing the arcade atmosphere and games.
It is a real shame, this could have been great. #gaming
June's next batch of Game Pass additions have stylish racing, idyllic farming and more - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/game-pass-pc-games-june-2023 #StoryOfSeasons:FriendsOfMineralTown #F.I.S.T.:ForgedInShadowTorch #Bramble:TheMountainKing #MultiplayerCompetitive #MultiplayerCooperative #NeedforSpeed:Unbound #NosebleedInteractive #Birdview/Isometric #WiredProductions #ActionAdventure #ArcadeParadise #NintendoSwitch #ElectronicArts #CriterionGames #DimfrostStudio #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer
#singleplayer #XboxSeriesX #DimfrostStudio #criteriongames #electronicarts #nintendoswitch #ArcadeParadise #ActionAdventure #wiredproductions #birdview #NosebleedInteractive #NeedforSpeed #multiplayercooperative #multiplayercompetitive #Bramble #f #storyofseasons
#arcadeparadise #simulation #gestion #cobragurugaming
Salut à tous, une seconde vidéo sur Arcade Paradise sur la partie la plus importante du jeu, la salle d'arcade et le plein de nouvelle borne :)
#ArcadeParadise #simulation #gestion #cobragurugaming
#arcadeparadise #simulation #gestion #cobragurugaming
Salut à tous, un jeu de gestion simulateur hybride. La laverie n'est qu'une façade et notre objectif est de l'agrandir et de profiter des bornes d'arcade nous même.
#ArcadeParadise #simulation #gestion #cobragurugaming
great games I played this year, my return to PC gaming:
played so many more! yay #videoGames!
#nfsunbound #dragonquestbulders2 #yakuza0 #ArcadeParadise #SonicFrontiers #vampiresurviors #inscryption #videogames
Arcade Paradise: Erster vollständig lizenzierter Spielautomat im Spiel verfügbar – Trailer
#Xbox #InsideXboxDE #ArcadeParadise #Repost
#xbox #insidexboxde #ArcadeParadise #repost
Arcade Paradise: Erster vollständig lizenzierter Spielautomat im Spiel verfügbar – Trailer
#Xbox #InsideXboxDE #ArcadeParadise #Repost
#xbox #insidexboxde #ArcadeParadise #repost
Der neueste DLC, Kung Fury: Street Rage, ab sofort auf Steam für Arcade Paradise verfügbar. Auf Konsolen erscheint dieser dann im Januar 2023.
#Xbox #InsideXboxDE #ArcadeParadise #Repost
#xbox #insidexboxde #ArcadeParadise #repost
Der neueste DLC, Kung Fury: Street Rage, ab sofort auf Steam für Arcade Paradise verfügbar. Auf Konsolen erscheint dieser dann im Januar 2023.
#Xbox #InsideXboxDE #ArcadeParadise #Repost
#xbox #insidexboxde #ArcadeParadise #repost
@axeattack i keep going back to #ArcadeParadise it’s a simple game but I enjoy it.
Glad your enjoying the steam deck, it really is an awesome bit of kit!
Arcade Paradise has revealed new Coin-Op Pack DLC featuring Smoke 'em, CyberDance EuroMix, and Empathy cabinets. #ArcadeParadise https://gamesense.co/game/arcade-paradise/news/discuss/arcade-paradise-coin-op-pack-dlc-adds-smoke-em-cyberdance-euromix-empathy/
Arcade Paradise – Recensione, una lavanderia diventa sala giochi #18Settembre #Games #Recensione #ArcadeParadise #WiredProductions #Evidenza https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9nYW1lbGVnZW5kcy5pdC9hcmNhZGUtcGFyYWRpc2UtcmVjZW5zaW9uZS11bmEtbGF2YW5kZXJpYS1kaXZlbnRhLXNhbGEtZ2lvY2hpLw==.html
#evidenza #WiredProductions #ArcadeParadise #recensione #games #18settembre
Arcade Paradise makes everything a game, including your boring chores - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/esQezYcNlMU/arcade-paradise-makes-everything-a-game-including-your-boring-chores #NosebleedInteractive #WiredProductions #ArcadeParadise #Indiescovery #Indie #Demo
#NosebleedInteractive #wiredproductions #ArcadeParadise #Indiescovery #indie #demo
Flip your dad's crap laundromat into a local hotspot in Arcade Paradise - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/BN0cm4N9uQU/flip-your-dads-laundromat-into-an-arcade-in-arcade-paradise #NosebleedInteractive #WiredProductions #ArcadeParadise
#NosebleedInteractive #wiredproductions #ArcadeParadise