Por fin es viernes... #viernesdeescritorio .
Mi instalación en el pc de casa con
Intel e5 2667 v2
48 gb RAM
W5500 Radeon pro 8 gb
512 gb nvme
4tb hdd
Y lo mas importante #ArchCraft
#viernesdeescritorio #sway #wayland #ArchCraft
@Willow #Arch is, IMO, just wonderful. Many use #Manjaro as a substitute, or [as i did for 3 yrs ending 3.5 yrs ago] as training-wheels before Arch. Fwiw, if you choose an #Archie over actual #Arch, then rather than MJ, you might wish to consider alternative #Archies such as #EndeavourOS, #ArcoLinux, #ALG, #ArchLabs, #Anarchy, #ArchCraft, #XeroLinux, #Archfi, #CalamArch, #ZenInstaller etc.
Best wishes... for *both* your important projects 😉
#archie #arch #manjaro #archies #endeavouros #arcolinux #alg #archlabs #anarchy #ArchCraft #XeroLinux #archfi #calamarch #zeninstaller
@brudibrau My tower's #Arch came into existence in early Dec 2019, not installed #TheArchWay but via #archfi, which gave simply fabulously granular control options, whilst being more friendly than trying to follow the Arch Installation Wiki with its never ending chain of hyperlinks leading to links to links to links. It's been & remains superb for me. That said, i've not checked for a while if the project remains active, ie, for the installer script to have kept up with various Arch changes, & also tech developments like #LVM & #BtrFS etc. Well worth consideration.
For 3 years before that, i ran #Manjaro. Whilst i don't regret that experience [& learned a lot from it], i'd never go back to it [governance ethics, security, repo philosophy, dubious mods to kernels et al]. Nonetheless, MJ ofc has a loyal following, beautiful theming, an easy to use Calamares Installer, & pretty impressive hardware flexibility.
#EndeavourOS is another high-profile #Archie with GUI installer [Calamares again]. Though it also provides certain customisations, overall it produces a system much closer to pure Arch than MJ does.
Other #Archies that also spare you from needing to do the full #TAW manual installation, & which IMO are worthy of consideration too, include #ALG [ArchLinux GUI Installer], #Archcraft, #CalamArchInstaller, #ArchLabs, #ZenInstaller, #Anarchy, #ArcoLinux.
If you're interested in something a bit more radical, #blendOS is essentially a GUI-installed "immutable Arch" that also supports #Fedora & #Ubuntu packages. I'm playing with it, part-time, in one of my VMs, to decide what i think of it.
Oh, it'd be remiss of me not to mention #ArchInstall to you. This is a newish official Arch project for a guided-installer direct from the Arch ISO. It works decently for relatively simple partitioning schemes, but has been giving me a PITA since at least last October for my preferred schema -- if you search Masto for that hashtag you'll find my various posts about it.
#arch #thearchway #archfi #lvm #btrfs #manjaro #endeavouros #archie #archies #TAW #alg #ArchCraft #calamarchinstaller #archlabs #zeninstaller #anarchy #arcolinux #blendos #fedora #ubuntu #Archinstall
Llego un poco tarde para el #viernesdeescritorio pero es lo que hay, no estoy muy bien hoy. Aun asi os dejo mis capturas de #Archcraft . Version minimalista basada en #arch en su version con windows tiling manager #bspwm , sin modificacion alguna. Espectacular
#viernesdeescritorio #ArchCraft #arch #bspwm
dzisiaj usunąłem Windowsa, a zawitał do mnie Linux! :tux:
distro Archcraft oparte na Archu.
miałem zwykłego Archa ogarnąć ale jak już go zainstalowałem i odpaliłem to uznałem, że mi się nie chce
#opensource #FOSS #Linux #arch #ArchCraft
My all time favorite #linux distro released another premium package! #i3 #archcraft #archlinux https://www.reddit.com/r/archcraft/comments/11sv1cm/archcraft_i3_premium_is_now_released/
#linux #i3 #ArchCraft #archlinux
My current obsession on #Archcraft #ArchLinux https://github.com/adi1090x/dynamic-wallpaper. It changes the wallpaper based on the time of day.
🤣 Today I had to connect to a new WiFi network and used a terminal qr code scanner program to connect. #linux #arch #archcraft
First day of using a Tiled Window Manager. Went with #bspwm on #ArchCraft, and it's been great so far.
I love how everything is categorised into different sections, and everything organizes itself because of the tiled nature. Definitely a daily driver contender for my work machine
#windowmanagers #productivity
#bspwm #ArchCraft #windowmanagers #productivity
Wer ein schlankes, schickes #Linux mit mäßigem Ressourcenhunger sucht, der sollte sich mal #Archcraft ansehen, eine #Distro aus der Familie der Crunchbang-artigen. Gefällt.
Und lässt sich auch anstandslos in Nullkommanix vom Ventoy-Stick aus auf älterer Hardware wie meinem #Travelmate #7740G installieren. Nice.
#7740g #travelmate #distro #ArchCraft #linux
#Gnulinux #trisquel #archcraft
Abrowser un navegador 100% libre, creado por el equipo de Trisquel para su distribución.
Que ademas puedes compilar e instalarlo fácilmente en Arch o derivadas. Para motivarse 200mb menos de consumo de ram.
#gnulinux #trisquel #ArchCraft
#Gnu #linux #ranger #archcraft #bunsenlabs
Uno de los programas mas interesante que disfruto en archcraft es Ranger, un gestor de archivos para usar desde la terminal.
Este esta disponible para todas las distro, probada en bunsenlabs también!
#gnu #linux #ranger #ArchCraft #bunsenlabs
#Archcraft is such a polished distro! 🤩 My favorite Arch-based distro so far even though Bspwm has a big learning curve for me coming from Gnome :arch:
For Distrohop Friday we tried Regolith for like a minute then flipped again to Archcraft. So far so lovely !! #ArchCraft #archlinux #linux #distros
#ArchCraft #archlinux #linux #distros
Спонсор моих ночных кошмаров - #ArchCraft
ArchCraft - выдаëт ебейшие гличи.
Actualizacion de #Archcraft. Despues de un buen tiempo puedo darle uso con tranquilidad a esta vieja intel... Firefox con 3 pestañas abiertas, element, telegram tambien abiertos... memoria controlada, procesador tambien.
Gracias Openbox