Oh dconf-editor, how I love thee. #Linux #ArchLinux #ArcoLinux #Gnome #ArchBTW
#Archbtw #GNOME #arcolinux #ArchLinux #Linux
Jesus sufferin fuck it is tekkin a fair lang time tae bilt #MullvadBrowser. #Linux #ArchLinux #ArchBTW #AUR
#aur #Archbtw #ArchLinux #Linux #mullvadbrowser
Eh, better in some aspects than #Brave, needs work on fingerprinting. The fact tha itt is a collab wi #Tor is nice but cannae access .onion sites. Dosnae accept #WebAuthn oot the box, but that can be remedied in the about:config settings. #Mullvad #MullvadBrowser #Privacy #CyberSec #Linux #ArchLinux #ArchBTW
#Archbtw #ArchLinux #Linux #cybersec #Privacy #mullvadbrowser #mullvad #webauthn #Tor #Brave
These numbers are why I use #CinnamonDesktop on #ArcoLinux. #Arch #Archbtw
#Archbtw #arch #arcolinux #cinnamondesktop
Where all mah fappery comes frae.#Linux #ArchLinux #ArcoLinux #ArchBTW #Nerdface
#nerdface #Archbtw #arcolinux #ArchLinux #Linux