#Archinstall 2.6 Released For Latest Easy-To-Use #Arch Linux Installer :arch:
Wow #ArchInstall got a major update that adds #Hyprland... But it seems to be currently hidden due to an issue with spelling lol.. So it's not actually there yet...
@ablackcatstail Given you like this stuff too, might i pls ask a favour? Some rainy day, when you're bored & otherwise left with only kneading your claws, could you pls create another Arch VM, using #ArchInstall, but specifically with this arrangement:
- 512 MB fat32 /boot [for EFI]
- xx GB ext4 /
- yy GB ext4 LUKS /home
then tell me if, during booting, your DMESG screen shows an error that the LUKS partition is faulty [atm i've forgotten its actual wording], & so you never get prompted to enter your LUKS password, & so after logging in your home partition is, in effect, not actually encrypted at all?
I was fighting this from at least October to ~April, when i gave up.
If you search for #ArchInstall, you might find older posts of mine about this, including an abortive attempt to discuss with the Dev.
are there any advantages to installing arch manually over using the archinstall script?
@brudibrau My tower's #Arch came into existence in early Dec 2019, not installed #TheArchWay but via #archfi, which gave simply fabulously granular control options, whilst being more friendly than trying to follow the Arch Installation Wiki with its never ending chain of hyperlinks leading to links to links to links. It's been & remains superb for me. That said, i've not checked for a while if the project remains active, ie, for the installer script to have kept up with various Arch changes, & also tech developments like #LVM & #BtrFS etc. Well worth consideration.
For 3 years before that, i ran #Manjaro. Whilst i don't regret that experience [& learned a lot from it], i'd never go back to it [governance ethics, security, repo philosophy, dubious mods to kernels et al]. Nonetheless, MJ ofc has a loyal following, beautiful theming, an easy to use Calamares Installer, & pretty impressive hardware flexibility.
#EndeavourOS is another high-profile #Archie with GUI installer [Calamares again]. Though it also provides certain customisations, overall it produces a system much closer to pure Arch than MJ does.
Other #Archies that also spare you from needing to do the full #TAW manual installation, & which IMO are worthy of consideration too, include #ALG [ArchLinux GUI Installer], #Archcraft, #CalamArchInstaller, #ArchLabs, #ZenInstaller, #Anarchy, #ArcoLinux.
If you're interested in something a bit more radical, #blendOS is essentially a GUI-installed "immutable Arch" that also supports #Fedora & #Ubuntu packages. I'm playing with it, part-time, in one of my VMs, to decide what i think of it.
Oh, it'd be remiss of me not to mention #ArchInstall to you. This is a newish official Arch project for a guided-installer direct from the Arch ISO. It works decently for relatively simple partitioning schemes, but has been giving me a PITA since at least last October for my preferred schema -- if you search Masto for that hashtag you'll find my various posts about it.
#arch #thearchway #archfi #lvm #btrfs #manjaro #endeavouros #archie #archies #TAW #alg #ArchCraft #calamarchinstaller #archlabs #zeninstaller #anarchy #arcolinux #blendos #fedora #ubuntu #Archinstall
@gnulinux Danke für die Artikelreihe!
Mittlerweile ist es dank #archinstall überraschend einfach, #Arch-#Linux zu installieren. Nach vielen Installationstests scheint mir tatsächlich aber nur Gnome eine brauchbare Oberfläche out of the box zu bieten. KDE und Cinnamon brauchen einige Nacharbeit, sway wird gar nicht erst gestartet.
Top: #LUKS2-Verschlüsselung (#manjaro ist leider immer noch auf #LUKS(1)) und #Wayland default bei Gnome und sogar bei KDE 😊
#wayland #luks #manjaro #luks2 #Linux #arch #Archinstall
Serie: Arch für alle - Installation
In dieser Serie möchte ich Arch Linux allen Distro-Suchenden nahelegen.
#distro #distribution #arch #arch_linux #Archinstall #linux
@harald There doesn't seem to be any content at that link...?
I did not use the #bugtracker, coz the #ArchInstall Dev & i were *briefly* chatting about it here in Masto, but sadly pretty soon they went quiet. I chose to drop the matter at that point.
That abortive piecemeal chat occurred back when i was still on the #Fosstodon #Instance, so unfortunately i've lost the original thread since moving Instances. That said, fyi, below is a purely text-based copy of the chat i kept externally. Fwiw.
Anton Hvornum
New version of #archinstall out: v2.5.3
== Highlights:
* Fixes the issue "Failed to read disk /dev/xxY with lsblk"
* `archinstall` properly waits for `archlinux-keyring` services before initiating
* Creates `/etc/vconsole.conf` upon running `Installer().mkinitcpio()` if missing
Release link: https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/releases/tag/v2.5.3
Release v2.5.3 · archlinux/archinstall
Mar 1
Mar 1
MsDropbear 🌈♀:arch: :plasma:
@Torxed Oh hi, you're its Dev; i had not expected to be able to speak with you. Thanks heaps for all your hard work... but sadly v2.5.3 remains broken like v2.5.2 wrt successfully creating a LUKS home partition. During the subsequent bootup, post-install, for some reason the LUKS password prompt never occurs before the Plasma SDDM screen lands, consequently in effect the user's home partition is not actually usefully encrypted. I can't use archinstall until this works, as i need LUKS-home. Thx.
Anton Hvornum
@dropbear42 Hi! You can always reach out :) If you send me your `/var/log/archinstall/user_disk_layout.json` (remember to filter any credentials) I can take a look why that didn't happen :)
Mar 03, 2023, 01:39 · ·
Mar 3
MsDropbear 🌈♀:arch: :plasma:
@Torxed Thx for replying, & your kind offer. Once i can grab some time for it, i shall look into what you suggested then get back to you with the info. 👍
Mar 13
MsDropbear 🌈♀:arch: :plasma:
@Torxed Hello again Anton 👋 Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. Would you still be willing to assist me pls, wrt my ongoing inability to get `archinstall` to correctly install a functional separate encrypted /home partition? I've tried it so many times, varying some settings each time, but always it's the same failed result; during boot, this DMESG `Failed to open encryption mapping: The device UUID=... is not a LUKS volume & the crypto= parameter was not specified`. 1/2
Mar 13
MsDropbear 🌈♀:arch: :plasma:
@Torxed 2/2 The system reaches SDDM, lets me login, then use it, but at no point was i actually asked to enter my LUKS password, ie, the encryption arrangement somehow keeps failing during the installation.
Re your earlier reply, the ONLY contents of `/var/log/archinstall/` is a single file; `install.log`. I can post that to pastebin for you, + i took HEAPS of pics during the latest install that i could upload for you. Also, i could paste the `fstab` & `crypttab` files for you... IF you wish.
Mar 16
MsDropbear 🌈♀:arch: :plasma:
@Torxed Hi again Anton. Are you still around these parts?
Apr 10
MsDropbear 🌈♀:arch: :plasma:
This is not promising...
Apr 14
MsDropbear 🌈♀:arch: :plasma:
@Torxed Another #archinstall #LUKS failure for me now, sigh.
I used the 1April ISO, in which i obtained the post-ISO version of AI via `pacman -Sy archinstall`. I created uefi+gpt 3 partitions; boot, root & home. I encrypted the home partition. I picked grub, zram-swap, KDE, linux-lts & linux-zen, NetworkManager. The installation completed with no errors.
Yet, exactly like all [many] previous attempts with ISOs+AIs since late last year, at boot DMESG still errors at decrypt stage.
#BugTracker #Archinstall #fosstodon #instance #luks
@harald Can it yet manage creating a *successful* separate ext4 LUKS /home partition, which actually *does* ask for LUKS password during boot? Since at least October last year, til April this year when i gave up, it could not.
#آرچ رو یکی دو بار نصب کردم، یهبار با لیلو چون بایوس داشتم ولی بعد نشستم یه بار از ویکیش نصب کردم. یه بار هم با #Archinstall
#Mastodon #AdvancedWebInterface #LocalTimeline #FollowedHashtags #css
In my early months of Masto, last year, in my original #Instance, i personalised my Masto browser view to have five permanently visible columns, then used some #Stylus #css to adjust column widths, font sizes etc for comfy viewing in my browsers. The fifth column was the local timeline, which i used for casual reading during the times my Home column remained fairly "under-nourished".
One day, sometime last year, i learned from someone's helpful post that we could follow hashtags, something nowadays just blindingly obvious, but to me back then was utterly unknown. So i began doing so, adding more over time as needs & wants be.
A month or two ago, 'ish, i suddenly realised that nowadays i was spending ZERO time in that local timeline, given my Home column is always full as a goog, full up to dolly's wax, full to pussy's bow, et al 😜 Hence it was time to again edit my css, & my Masto interface, to revert to the four-column view.
TL;DR: following hashtags is fabulously handy!
#mastodon #advancedwebinterface #localtimeline #followedhashtags #css #instance #Stylus #misanthropy #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #renewableenergy #overshoot #wearetotallyfscked #weareselfishcruelbastards #whimsy #drhelenmagnus #hhgttg #mostlyharmless #MontyPythonsFlyingCircus #montypython #thespanishinquisition #RippingYarns #auspol #greens #michaelwestmedia #misdirection #semantics #logic #grammar #genderdysphoria #transition #transitioned #transwoman #transwomen #trans #lesbian #lesbians #FOSS #arch #archlinux #Archinstall #fedora #Kinoite #KDEplasma #plasma #KDE #qt #windowrules #xfce #tumbleweed #opensuse #microos #LibreOffice #KMyMoney #firefoxnightly #firefoxbeta #userJS #aboutconfig #sidebery #treestyletab #vivaldi #vivaldibrowser
Helping a friend install #ArchLinux.
Ran #Archinstall.
Configured everything.
Got a #Python error about disk encryption and a None object 🥲
Seems like #Archinstall still needs some work... :(
#archlinux #Archinstall #python
@serebit I wonder if this latest version #archinstall v2.5.4 has finally fixed the LUKS bug? 🤷♀️
#archinstall v2.5.4 just released with my revised Budgie Desktop package set. New installs will ship with the Arc GTK theme and Papirus icon theme set out of the box, and will include a minimal package set with MATE Terminal and the Nemo file manager rather than shipping the entire gnome package group. #archlinux
@brucehankins The #archinstall script is user-friendly. All the installation should take about 20 minutes.
New version of #archinstall out: v2.5.3
== Highlights:
* Fixes the issue "Failed to read disk /dev/xxY with lsblk"
* `archinstall` properly waits for `archlinux-keyring` services before initiating
* Creates `/etc/vconsole.conf` upon running `Installer().mkinitcpio()` if missing
Release link: https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/releases/tag/v2.5.3
New version of `archinstall` is available, 2.5.3-1, so i've tried it. Seems like finally the prior one's constant failures re partition mounting might be cured. Sadly, its LUKS-home encryption remains NFG, coz during boot, a DMESG error re crypttab still occurs, ergo i still do not get prompted to enter my LUKS password before landing at SDDM.
#ArchInstall #LUKS :sadmsn:
Oh look... apparently nice news wrt a solution for the chronic #ArchInstall failures!