Global News BC: Extreme winter weather will hit Canada over the weekend. What to expect #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #environmentcanadaforecast #ExtremeColdWarning #Canadacoldweather #EnvironmentCanada #Edmontonweather #Albertaweather #Canadaweather #FreezingRain #ArcticBlast #U.S.Weather #WinterStorm #Weather #Canada #Health #Snow
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #environmentcanadaforecast #ExtremeColdWarning #canadacoldweather #EnvironmentCanada #edmontonweather #albertaweather #Canadaweather #freezingrain #ArcticBlast #U #winterstorm #Weather #Canada #health #snow
Early AM walk to get Iced Coffee🥶
It’s February with temps below 0° and windchill -33°❄️
It’s not even 6am and I’ve been called crazy 3️⃣x 😹
Seriously, stay safe, warm, and wish everyone a great day🧤
#RiseandShine #coffee #coldwave #news #boston #weather #Winter #freezing #newengland #arcticblast #humor
#humor #ArcticBlast #newengland #freezing #winter #weather #boston #news #coldwave #coffee #riseandshine
The arctic cold front came through my little corner of Texas yesterday around 11:30 AM. Overnight it was 13 F with a wind chill of -3 F. This morning, it was bird-central-station at the bird feeder.
#birdwatching #coldfront #ArcticBlast
US braces for 'record-breaking' winter storm
#USwinterstorm #Arcticblast #Climatechange #Airtravelchaos #Christmas2022
#christmas2022 #airtravelchaos #climatechange #ArcticBlast #uswinterstorm
US braces for 'record-breaking' winter storm
#USwinterstorm #Arcticblast #Climatechange #Airtravelchaos #Christmas2022
#christmas2022 #airtravelchaos #climatechange #ArcticBlast #uswinterstorm
Global News BC: Blast of frigid air topples 15 B.C. temperature records #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #arcticairflowwarnings #EnvironmentCanada #WilliamsLake #ArcticBlast #WinterStorm #Abbotsford #BCcoldsnap #DeaseLake #Weather #coldair
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #arcticairflowwarnings #EnvironmentCanada #WilliamsLake #ArcticBlast #winterstorm #Abbotsford #BCcoldsnap #DeaseLake #Weather #coldair
Extremely cold Arctic air to impact much of U.S. #ArcticBlast #ExtremeCold #USwx #GrandSolarMinimum
#grandsolarminimum #USwx #ExtremeCold #ArcticBlast
Extremely cold Arctic air to impact much of U.S. #ArcticBlast #ExtremeCold #USwx #GrandSolarMinimum
#grandsolarminimum #USwx #ExtremeCold #ArcticBlast
As if things weren't already bad enough with the #foodcrisis, #arcticblast hits #europe and threatens #springcrops
#springcrops #europe #ArcticBlast #foodcrisis