#Arduinophone coming along nicely!
Could probably solder at least one of the boards at this point
That small black board is where the volume gate lives. Thinking of adding an oscillator for tremolo if it's not too difficult
Wondering what other signal processing I could build to fit in that board...
In what feels like some kind of rite of passage, I'm currently prototyping my very own #Arduinophone
3 buttons and some math for an octave
2 more for register shifts
And a flow meter for volume control
Bonus octave when you overdrive the volume (like on a recorder, or a flute I think?), and/or possibly activating a second piezo buzzer
I'll begin soldering once it's all working more or less
#ArduinoPhone #foolishness #electronics #tinkerer #musician
Excellent synthèse sur le sujet. L' #ArduinoPhone va vous faire rêver, beau boulot pour bricoleur, j'admire ;-)
Quel téléphone (plus ou moins) libre en 2021 ?https://buff.ly/3aXlwAV