Ever dreamed of an advanced 🏡 IT Infrastructure that's not just smart but genius? Dive deep into cutting-edge home IT with Oliver Wulff on Sept 20, 5:30 PM at @DigicompCH!
Unearth: #HomeLab, #K8s, #GitHub, #ArgoCD, #GitOps, #DevOps
#homelab #k8s #github #ArgoCD #gitops #devops
New version of #ArgoCD released - v2.7.7 https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd/releases/tag/v2.7.7
Es gibt einen neuen Blogpost von Christian Schlatter zu unserem neuen «GitOps Diff Tool». Im Blogpost erfährst du, was das Tool für einen spannenden Ansatz bietet, um die Herausforderungen von GitOps zu bewältigen. Das Tool erleichtert das Verständnis von Änderungen und die Genehmigung von Pull Requests.
Es gibt einen neuen Blogpost von Christian Schlatter zu unserem neuen «GitOps Diff Tool». Im Blogpost erfährst du, was das Tool für einen spannenden Ansatz bietet, um die Herausforderungen von GitOps zu bewältigen. Das Tool erleichtert das Verständnis von Änderungen und die Genehmigung von Pull Requests.
I do not really need swag from conferences. Books on the other hand are very welcome! Here is my "haul" from #KubeCon and #CloudNativeCon. And I absolutely had to get the #ArgoCD plushie, he will be my new rubber duck when working from home 🤗
#ArgoCD #cloudnativecon #kubecon
Ok, it is 3am here, and time to sleep. In a meanwhile I added #nodeport to the example #argocd so #guestbook can be easily accessed through #kind in #wsl2 https://github.com/bluszcz/argocd-example-apps/tree/master/guestbook
#wsl2 #kind #guestbook #ArgoCD #nodeport
A new stream of Adventures in Kubeland happening in one hour - 8:30 PM UTC.
We will explore #ArgoCD.
See you on twitch.tv/lucalanziani 🚀
#ArgoCD #kubernetes #k8s #devops
I don't know how big your #Kubernetes clusters are or how many applications you're running, but we have 998 applications in #ArgoCD... :O
How to onboard an existing #Helm application in #ArgoCD: a step-by-step #tutorial on how to use Helm in ArgoCD
I love the #Kubernetes ecosystem so much. I had to deploy another #PGadmin server. Adding a #Helm definition to #ArgoCD in #GitOps style takes only a couple of minutes and then everything Just Works ® Networking, permissions, storage, all of it! That is the power of an Open Source Community at work. #ILoveFS
#ilovefs #gitops #ArgoCD #helm #pgadmin #kubernetes
2022 was a great year for GitOps. Congratulations again to #FluxCD and #ArgoCD for graduating, and thank you to my friends in the OpenGitOps project for helping #GitOps reach new and exciting highs 👏
#MVPBuzz #HashiCorpAmbassador #WeAreFortytwo
#wearefortytwo #hashicorpambassador #mvpbuzz #gitops #ArgoCD #fluxcd
2022 was a great year for GitOps. Congratulations again to #FluxCD and #ArgoCD for graduating, and thank you to my friends in the OpenGitOps project for helping #GitOps reach new and exciting highs 👏
#MVPBuzz #HashiCorpAmbassador #WeAreFortytwo
#wearefortytwo #hashicorpambassador #mvpbuzz #gitops #ArgoCD #fluxcd
So it seems one of the most wanted features for Argo CD, was merged a couple of days ago 🤘
It is a feature, which I am really looking forward to using. It makes it possible to consume Helm charts from repos and have a custom values fil in your own repo. (one of many use cases)
It will make a huge change in the amount of software, which I will be handling with Argo CD.
Glad to see a blogpost with #updatecli listed, next to #argocd and #flux, in the tool to watch when implementing #gitops
Updatecli is a declarative dependency management tool, for updating file, such as yaml or dockerfile, stored on git repositories.
So I guess now, next step should be to document how we use it next to Fleet or Helmfile to keep #kubernetes clusters up to date...
At least the Helm part is already documented https://www.updatecli.io/docs/guides/helm-chart/
#updatecli #ArgoCD #flux #gitops #kubernetes