I'm so excited for #TheLittleMermaid! #Ariel has been my fave #Disney princess since I was a kid and I know #HalleBailey is going to knock it outta the park. Release cant get here fast enough! 🧜♀️
#TheLittleMermaid #Ariel #disney #hallebailey
¡#HolaCiencia! Espectacular campo ancho del sistema de #Urano con la extrema sensibilidad del telescopio #JWST. ¿Puedes localizar sus cinco lunas clásicas (#Titania, #Oberón, #Umbriel, #Ariel y #Miranda)? • vía astronomy24x7/TW #FotoCiencia NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI
#HolaCiencia #urano #jwst #titania #oberon #umbriel #Ariel #miranda #FotoCiencia
Future missions, such as #Ariel, will contribute in the quest of characterising these colder/smaller planets.
One of the key questions: Are there chemical trends? How does this link to planet formation?
Sylvia Plath | El candidato
[de «Ariel» 1965]
«Ante todo, ¿es usted la clase de persona que buscamos?
¿Lleva un ojo
de cristal, dientes postizos o muleta,
codera, garfio,
pechos de goma o entrepierna de goma,
costuras que indiquen que algo falta? ¿No?»[...] Seguir leyendo en:
Post by @locagonia
#SylviaPlath #candidato #ariel #locagonia
#SylviaPlath #candidato #Ariel #locagonia
I am inhabited by a cry.
Nightly it flaps out
Looking, with its hooks, for something to love.
I am terrified by this dark thing
That sleeps in me;
All day I feel its soft, feathery turnings, its malignity.
Clouds pass and disperse.
Are those the faces of love, those pale irretrievables?
Is it for such I agitate my heart?
#silviaplath #elm #poetry #Ariel
#OTD In Oncer History.
Episode 310
“The New Neverland”🗺
📺 December 8, 2013
#OnceUponATime #OUAPNW
The heroes return to Storybrooke amidst celebrations.
#PeterPan (#RobbieKay) is plotting to take over the town for good.
⭐️ #GinniferGoodwin #MaryMargaret #JenniferMorrison #EmmaSwan #LanaParrilla #ReginaMills #EmiliedeRavin #Belle #ColinODonoghue #Hook #RobertCarlyle #MrGold #JoAnnaGarciaSwisher #Ariel #GilMcKinney #Eric
#otd #onceuponatime #ouapnw #PeterPan #robbiekay #ginnifergoodwin #marymargaret #jennifermorrison #emmaswan #lanaparrilla #reginamills #emiliederavin #belle #colinodonoghue #hook #robertcarlyle #mrgold #joannagarciaswisher #Ariel #gilmckinney #eric
Περνά η #Ariel , μέχρι στιγμής έχω τέσσερις πετσέτες, 3 τάπερ καί δύο κουβάδες να μαζεύω τά νερά.. Στους καταρράκτες τού Νιαγάρα να εμένα λιγότερα θα έμπαιναν. Απόψε έχω άγριες διαθέσεις, σκέφτομαι να ξαπλώσω παρέα με τη σφουγκαριστρα 😁
#storm_Ariel #νερακι
In 2029, #ESA will launch the #Ariel mission, which will study the #atmosphere of over 1000 #exoplanets. Before then, we need better data on the orbits of these planets. The #ExoClock project offers 2 ways to help:
- Have a telescope and CCD camera? Register, and they'll send you transit notifications and instructions.
-No equipment? Apply by 30 Nov to contribute via remote #telescopes.
#astronomy #astrodon #spaceexploration #CitizenScientist #scicomm
#esa #Ariel #atmosphere #exoplanets #exoclock #telescopes #astronomy #Astrodon #spaceexploration #CitizenScientist #scicomm
The problem is we have no way to test this, since >4.5 Gyr of tectonic activity on Earth have erased essentially all evidence from this time. #Exoplanets to the rescue! 😀 Hydrogen-rich atmosphere have large scale heights, so if such reduced post-impact atmospheres would be common, we should see it with exoplanet telescopes like #JWST, and possibly with #Ariel. Attached a figure from Rimmer+2019, showing potential ethylene and acetylene features in a post-impact atmosphere.
Se konfime tout ti fi ki fet sou #Ariel la fet tou pèdi.
An kreyol yo fet ak tout tou🤣
RT @ACOM_es: 🚨ÚLTIMA HORA: asesinado a tiros un joven israelí, en la veintena, por dos terroristas palestinos en #Ariel.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/GirautaOficial/status/1520147249287815168
gerade mal #MoMa geguckt und bis #Roth durchgehalten. Jetzt ist aber mein Limit erreicht, was ich an "Häää?!" ertragen kann.
Mir kommt das alles so vor, wie bei #Ariel und #Persil, wo dem Zuschauer Märchen erzählt werden, dass die Wäsche noch viel weißer werden kann...
Puh.. ich kümmer mich mal lieber um ☕ Kaffee, 🍵 Tee und 🥐 Teilchen...
Bedient euch 🙂
#Persil #Ariel #Roth #moma #gm #Gumo #TeamMoinMoin
gerade mal #MoMa geguckt und bis #Roth durchgehalten. Jetzt ist aber mein Limit erreicht, was ich an "Häää?!" ertragen kann.
Mir kommt das alles so vor, wie bei #Ariel und #Persil, wo dem Zuschauer Märchen erzählt werden, dass die Wäsche noch viel weißer werden kann...
Puh.. ich kümmer mich mal lieber um ☕ Kaffee, 🍵 Tee und 🥐 Teilchen...
Bedient euch 🙂
#Persil #Ariel #Roth #moma #gm #Gumo #TeamMoinMoin