"A #former in-house #lawyer has #described a #culture of #fear at the #DepartmentofSocialServices as the #Robodebt #scheme #began to #unravel.
She has told a #royalcommission no-one wanted to bring bad #news to the #department's #boss #who was #described as #controlling."
#ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #australia #tasmania #lutruwita #Centrelink #welfare #poverty #capitalism #gst #tax #PyramidSchemes #fascism #racism #statism #imperialism #law #humanrights #classwar #eattherich #fuckthesystem #trickledowneconomics #Aristocrats #politicians #RobodebtRC
#former #lawyer #described #culture #fear #departmentofsocialservices #robodebt #scheme #began #Unravel #RoyalCommission #news #Department #boss #who #controlling #AusGov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #australia #tasmania #lutruwita #Centrelink #Welfare #poverty #capitalism #gst #tax #PyramidSchemes #fascism #racism #statism #imperialism #law #humanrights #classwar #EatTheRich #fuckthesystem #trickledowneconomics #Aristocrats #politicians #RobodebtRC
1846-1848 - President Polk’s invasion of Mexico was a land grab done for the purpose of bolstering the power of the Southern slave bloc. This book explains that the Polk administration lied the public into war, justifying an invasion under false pretenses, in order to take control of Texas, New Mexico, and California for the personal wealth and gain of he and his cronies.
So you understand why and what happens in any country as of today
#capitalism #fascism #slavery #trickledowneconomics #imperialism #fyi #psa #racism #Aristocrats #eattherich #ausgov #politas #classwar
#capitalism #fascism #slavery #trickledowneconomics #imperialism #fyi #psa #racism #Aristocrats #EatTheRich #AusGov #politas #classwar