The north magnetic pole has moved another 6.2 miles south.
It is almost right over the Mid Atlantic Ridge.
It's moving a little over one mile per week and will reach the 40 Degree Mark in 3 months. This is the theoretical point where the pole enters the weak field lines of the magnetic toroid. Theoretically the pole can speed up at that point.
As the poles flip, the #Magnetosphere gets weaker and the energy from space gets stronger 👎
Those cosmic rays increase volcanism, weather intensity, electrical disturbance, and people's minds 👎
This extra energy causes:
#PsychologicalEvents #EmotionalBreakdowns #Glaciation #AtmosphericCompression #SuperEruptions #ColdWeatherCropLosses #HotColdHot #MeridionalJetstreams #AtmosphericRiverEvents #StratosphericInjections #NewCloudLayers #HailEvents #ArkStorms #LightningEvents #Magnetosphere