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Ruzanna_A 🇦🇲 #StopArtsakhBlockade: Հայ աշակերտները 5 մեդալ են նվաճել Մաթեմատիկայի 64-րդ միջազգային օլիմպիադայում
https://www.tert.am/am/news/2023/07/13/japan-64th-international-mathematics-olympiad/3969393?fbclid=IwAR2T0WZpUtGRUSX2TuIDPgBK_NNcejrNB8j2Ejg63zC9vTKl-vKLN1zE90k #Mathematics #olympiad #Japan #Armenia #Armenians 🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅 https://t.co/ggR5MjcDlQ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/THEOCHAROUSE/status/1679450732922019841
#StopArtsakhBlockade #mathematics #olympiad #japan #Armenia #Armenians
RT @HDPenglish: 108 years have passed since the Great Catastrophe (Metz Yeghern), which was an ethnic & religious genocide perpetrated against #Armenians. Other Christian peoples of our region also became targets of these practices. We mourn & honor those who lost their lives during that period.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Feleknasuca/status/1650416408252100608
RT @AlbertoMiguelF5: Basically, the kleptocratic dictatorship in #Azerbaijan will squeeze as much as it can, in any way possible, the #Armenians of #Artsakh in order to prepare for the complete ethnic cleansing of the region. Happening in real time in the face of a hapless "international community."
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/petervdalen/status/1613741138686492672
#Azerbaijan #Armenians #Artsakh
🇦🇲 Today, January 6, #Armenians celebrate #Christmas. My heart goes out to those >100K people blockaded in #NagornoKarabakh. They are facing food & medicine shortages. Government of #Azerbaijan & their proxies must urgently allow uninterrupted movement of civilians in #Lachin.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ViolavonCramon/status/1611301302067429376
#Armenians #christmas #NagornoKarabakh #Azerbaijan #Lachin
L’Azerbaïdjan bloque la route entre le Nagorno-Karabakh et l’Arménie, mettant en danger la population et créant les conditions d’une crise humanitaire d’ampleur. Ce mépris du peuple arménien ne peut plus durer.
RT @IgnatiusPost: A brief thread to explain why the bitter conflict over Nagorno Karabakh may be entering a dangerous new phase, based on a phone call I received tonight from Stepanakert from Ruben Vardanyan, the state minister for Artsakh, as #Armenians ca…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/NathalieLoiseau/status/1602585757683781633
Sono in partenza per l’#Armenia 🇦🇲 per un’importante missione insieme a diversi colleghi del #ParlamentoEuropeo: è importante mantenere alta l’attenzione dopo l’aggressione azera del mese scorso e lavorare per una #pace 🏳️🌈 giusta! Vi terrò aggiornati
#Armenians #peace
#Armenia #ParlamentoEuropeo #PACE #Armenians #peace
The struggle of #Armenians in #Artsakh against the occupiers is as just. Yet #Europe and the world forget about the brave and noble struggle of the Armenian people. Alas, their nation is the feeling of being forgotten. Armenians must know that in Bulgarians stand with #Armenia🇦🇲.
#Armenians #Artsakh #Europe #Armenia
RT @ANC_Intl: In the wake of this new apparent atrocity, @LemkinInstitute is once again issuing a Red Flag Alert for #Azerbaijan , warning of threatened genocide against #Armenians ,
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/THEOCHAROUSE/status/1560997984640319488
RT @ArmeniaRojava: The Turkish state has been intensely attacking the territory of North East Syria for the last 48 hours. Three people were injured in the attack on the Ashuri villages of Tall Tamr. Zirgan and its villages are still under threat of attack... #Rojava #Armenians #ArmenianGenocide
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Weidenholzer/status/1518198184518029312
#rojava #Armenians #armeniangenocide