Arnold Schwarzenegger talks about his challenging recovery from open heart surgery #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #ArnoldSchwarzenegger
Einblicke zu #BlastFromThePast Schätzen 4:
Lustigerweise hab ich gerade erst festgestellt, dass meine ganzen Bücher der #Conan Reihe von Heyne um 1985 alle ein Foto von #ArnoldSchwarzenegger auf dem Cover haben. Und das mir als Fan von #frankfrazetta. Wie konnte das nur passieren, wo es doch unzählige passende Kunstwerke gegeben hätte? 😆
#retro #fantasy #conanthebarbarian #Schwarzenegger
#blastfromthepast #Conan #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #frankfrazetta #retro #fantasy #conanthebarbarian #Schwarzenegger
Wie wäre es damit?
Austrian Death Machine
"Austrian Death Machine is an Arnold Schwarzenegger-obsessed side project from As I Lay Dying singer Tim Lambesis. Seeing the man he likes to call "Ahhnold" as "the embodiment of everything brutal and stereotypically metal," Lambesis wrote a set of songs based on lines from Schwarzenegger's films."
#austrian #death #machine #ArnoldSchwarzenegger
“You’re one ugly motherfucker.”
~ Arnold Schwarzenegger
as Major Dutch Schaefer,
in PREDATOR (1987)
#DonaldTrump #UglinessIsToTheBone #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #Predator
#predator #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #uglinessistothebone #DonaldTrump
Co jste možná nevěděli o kultovním sci-fi nářezu Terminátor od Jamese Camerona s Arnoldem Schwarzeneggerem v hlavní roli?
#terminator #ArnoldSchwarzenegger
#terminator #ArnoldSchwarzenegger
Habe heute mal #Fubar mit #ArnoldSchwarzenegger geschaut. Gefällt mir deutlich besser als das #TrueLies Serienremake
#FUBAR #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #truelies
#ArnoldSchwarzenegger en couverture du numéro 1 pour le magazine "Jump Novel" en 1991. Et le comedien prête également son image pour une publicité japonaise.
Merci à SaiBadakk pour le partage de cette petite pépite sur Instagram.
We close early today 🔫💀 #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #TheTerminator #DickMiller #JamesCameron
#jamescameron #dickmiller #theterminator #ArnoldSchwarzenegger
Nice ride today. Trails are slightly damp, making them tacky but a little slow. The Istik Bridge is one of my regular “break points” on this ride.
A dozen years have passed since the “TRAIL IMPROVEMENT” sign was put in, and the part of the trail that is being washed out by the creek was “shored up” a little.
The sign is still there, and the trail is still slipping gradually into the water. 😒
#BikeTooter #cycling #ArnoldSchwarzenegger
#BikeTooter #cycling #ArnoldSchwarzenegger
#KalushOrchestra, the band from #Ukraine that won the Eurovision Song Contest 2022, received a special invitation to visit #ArnoldSchwarzenegger while they were on tour in the United States in the autumn of 2022.
"We shot a video for one of our songs. We didn't even think that it would be such a cool clip."
At the end of the video, #Schwarzenegger speaks a few words in Ukrainian.
#NowPlaying #Schwarzenegger #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #Ukraine #KalushOrchestra
#KalushOrchestra, the band from #Ukraine that won the Eurovision Song Contest 2022, received a special invitation to visit #ArnoldSchwarzenegger while they were on tour in the United States in the autumn of 2022.
"We shot a video for one of our songs. We didn't even think that it would be such a cool clip."
At the end of the video, #Schwarzenegger speaks a few words in Ukrainian.
#NowPlaying #Schwarzenegger #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #Ukraine #KalushOrchestra
@everywhereist She's been known to drive a #Tesla.
Here’s a Turbo Man just in time for Christmas!
#JingleAllTheWay #Christmas #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #TurboMan #MastoArt #KidLitArt #PBArt #CharacterDesign
#CharacterDesign #pbart #kidlitart #MastoArt #turboman #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #christmas #jinglealltheway
Arnold Schwarzenegger con Wilt Chamberlain y Andrè The Giant en el set de Conan el destructor, 1983
Arnold Schwarzenegger con Wilt Chamberlain e Andrè The Giant no set de Conan o destructor, 1983
#cine #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #wiltchamberlain #andrethegiant
🎬 Il 19 Settembre 2003 usciva nei cinema italiani TERMINATOR 3: LE MACCHINE RIBELLI
#Terminator #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #film #fantascienza #recensione
#terminator #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #film #fantascienza #recensione
Happy Birthday #arnoldschwarzenegger #caricature #caricatura #arnold #CONAN
#conan #Arnold #caricatura #caricature #ArnoldSchwarzenegger
Happy Birthday Arnold Schwarzenegger!! The best action-movie star ever. #ArnoldSchwarzenegger