RT @JNUSUofficial@twitter.activitypub.actor
JNUSU stands firmly with the protesters of Shaheen Bagh. The courage shown by these women inspire us everyday to fight for our Constitutional rights in the face of a hate mongering government.
We shall fight, we shall win.
#RejectCAA_NRC_NPR #ArrestAnuragThakur #ShaheenBagh
RT @therespectorg@twitter.activitypub.actor
#Students, #activists and #journalists were detained for standing in front of the #RepublicTV office. They were gathering for a silent #Protest against #JamiaFiring The Police detained them. Don't we have a right to raise our #voices?
#RepublicTV #protest #jamiafiring #voices #GopalGodse #students #activists #journalists #ArrestAnuragThakur
Tweet from Jaini ( @IchbinUjjaini@twitter.activitypub.actor ) :
I just searched in FaceBook for profiles with name 'Ram bhakt'.
Try it. Go randomly through few such profiles.
Then if you are a Hindu, you probably will feel like asking for forgiveness from Lord Ram.
@sanjayuvacha @Universityofhumanity @noorul@quey.org
#BJPkaGodseRaj #RamRajya #ArrestAnuragThakur #HinduTerrorist
RT @NextToSRK@twitter.activitypub.actor
See the Facebook profile of 'Rambhakt Gopal' he came live on Facebook before the incident at #Jamia. Just read the comments under his post. Most of the people are appreciating him & chanting Jai Shree Ram !! #ArrestAnuragThakur
RT @JNUSUofficial@twitter.activitypub.actor
The Time is Now to call out the perpetrators of terrorism in this country.
RSS and BJP.
#NoCAANoNRCNoNPR #Jamia #ArrestAnuragThakur
असली टुकड़े टुकड़े गैंग है अमित शाह और अनुराग ठाकुर. सावरकर की आदर्शो पर चल कर इन्होने गोपाल को गोडसे बना दिया. #ArrestAnuragThakur #BJPkaGodseRaj
#ArrestAnuragThakur #BJPkaGodseRaj