Margaret Sefton · @MargaretSefton
588 followers · 2299 posts · Server

A treat for the eyes, food for the soul, a precious piece of movie therapy healing. Avail yourself of the goodness.

#nyc #photography #aids #OpiodCrisis #ArtActivism #sackler #nangoldin

Last updated 2 years ago

Jack Lowe · @jacklowe
411 followers · 523 posts · Server

Love this quote, which I’m feeling more keenly than ever:

“Now in the midst of climate emergency, it’s even more imperative that artists act as early warning systems, positioning themselves as the canaries in the coalmine. Through our work, we need to imagine the dystopian reality of where the earth is heading and to work with activists struggling to find another way.” ~ Peter Kennard, Visual Dissent

#climatecrisis #climateemergency #peterkennard #visualdissent #ArtActivism #activism #protest

Last updated 2 years ago