#nicheconstruction #EES #basalcognition #autopoiesis #symbiosis #systemsthinking #plantstudies #philosophyofbiology #philosophyofscience #ecoevodevo #evodevo #consciousness #NonViolentDirectAction #ecocurriculum #environmentalphilosophy #ecophilosophy #ecopedagogy #aesthetics #ecologicalcrisis #deepadaptation #civilisationcollapse #facingdeath #philosophyforsustainability #anthropocene #ArtSci #tricksterpedagogy #ecohumanities #contemplativepractices
kia ora all - esp. #NZTwits
Living in Te Motu Kairangi sticking out in the #SouthernOcean.
Work is #ocean #mixing mainly (i) #Antarctica ice shelf ocean cavities and (ii) extreme tidal flows. From the sublime to the ridiculous. #Climate #Oceanography #Turbulence
Dual Cit: NZ & Aus
Related activities - (iii) #Science advocacy with the NZAS and (iv) #SciCom especially #ArtSci.
Spare time is convincing bandmates any song can be played in a #Garage Style & amateur #Luthier
#introduction #NZTwits #SouthernOcean #ocean #mixing #antarctica #climate #oceanography #turbulence #science #scicom #ArtSci #garage #Luthier