Arthur C. Clarke's A Fall of Moondust (1961), the closest he came to writing a sci-fi thriller. And it's a pretty decent one. The dust cruiser Selene takes tourists on jaunts across the the largest of the lunar dust seas, the Sea of Thirst.
My review:
#sciencefiction #scifi #scifinovel #scifinovels #ArthurCClarke
#sciencefiction #scifi #scifinovel #scifinovels #ArthurCClarke
The shortlist for the 2023 #ArthurCClarkeAwards dropped last night
#books #livres #bookstodon #ScienceFiction #awards #bookawards #LiteraryAwards #ArthurCClarke
#ArthurCClarke #literaryawards #bookawards #awards #sciencefiction #bookstodon #livres #books #arthurcclarkeawards
@JorgeStolfi I think you're referring to:
The Wall of Darkness by Arthur C. Clarke.
Though I'm not sure if the planet in that story exactly fits the topology you describe.
#SciFi #TopologyPunk #ArthurCClarke
#scifi #topologypunk #ArthurCClarke
Latest VLOG. Simon Says: Tiger Lillies & Zygons
#garden #conservation #mockingbird #tigerlillies
#actors #writer #Camus #harperlee #georgeorwell
#agathachristie #shakespeare #arthurcclarke #IsaacAsimov
#hgwells #philipkdick #JaneCampion #georgewashington
#dislexia #booksbooksbooks
#garden #Conservation #mockingbird #tigerlillies #actors #writer #Camus #HarperLee #GeorgeOrwell #agathachristie #shakespeare #ArthurCClarke #isaacasimov #hgwells #philipkdick #janecampion #georgewashington #dislexia #booksbooksbooks
@dgar #scifi #sciencefiction Didn't #ArthurCClarke propose that decades ago in "The Nine Billion Names of God"?
#ArthurCClarke #sciencefiction #scifi
Arthur C Clarke addressed #depopulation in at least two novels: Against the Fall of Night (his first novel), The City and the Stars (a page one rewrite of Against the Fall of Night, to the point that they're different enough that both are worth reading), and possibly others.
Neither Asimov nor Clarke had a hint of the current political noise for or against depopulation in their fiction.
[1980] Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World - "Clarke's Cabinet of Curiosities", a collection of mysteries including the moving stones of California's Death Valley, entombed toads and ball lightning.
#OldBritishTelly #ArthurCClarke
#Bloomberg - #SpaceElevators Are Getting Closer to Reality?
#SpaceElevator #OrbitalTower #ArthurCClarke #ArthurClarke #LEO #LowEarthOrbit #Satellite #Satellites #TheFountainsOfParadise #FountainsOfParadise
#fountainsofparadise #thefountainsofparadise #satellites #satellite #lowearthorbit #leo #arthurclarke #ArthurCClarke #orbitaltower #spaceelevator #spaceelevators #bloomberg
I'm a sci-fi fan but my tastes are strictly old school. I don't read anything written since the 90s. And not much written since the 60s, apart from some of the cyberpunk writers.
One of the first sci-fi novels I read was Arthur C. Clarke's The City and the Stars and I still regard it as one of the half dozen best sci-fi novels of all time.
Some writers I like -
#ArthurCClarke #murrayleinster #julesverne #hgwells #johnwyndham #fredhoyle #frederikpohl #conandoyle #williamgibson #leighbrackett
#ArthurCClarke #murrayleinster #julesverne #hgwells #johnwyndham #fredhoyle #frederikpohl #conandoyle #williamgibson #leighbrackett
I thought he was *American*. I thought he was some straight-laced 50s era American, not a queer Somerset farm boy that fucked off to live in Sri Lanka with his Sri Lankan partner. Amazing. If only they'd taught us this in school. #writers #ArthurCClarke
Today is the day I learned Arthur C Clarke was from Somerset thanks my overhearing a BBC Archive video and thinking "wow, that man is doing an incredibly bad job of hiding his Westcountry accent" #writers #ArthurCClarke #accents
#writers #ArthurCClarke #accents
#2001 Meets #StarWars
#ASpaceOdyssey #2001ASpaceOdyssey #Rebellion #TheRebellion #RebelAlliance #TheRebelAlliance #Empire #TheEmpire #R2D2 #C3PO #StarDestroyer #ArthurCClarke #ArthurClarke
#arthurclarke #ArthurCClarke #stardestroyer #c3po #r2d2 #theempire #empire #therebelalliance #rebelalliance #therebellion #rebellion #2001aspaceodyssey #aspaceodyssey #starwars
[1985] Arthur C. Clarke's World of Strange Powers - "Things That Go Bump in the Night", Arthur C. Clarke examines unexplainable cases of poltergeists from all over the world.
#OldBritishTelly #ArthurCClarke
@godlessmom As a teen, I remember reading Arthur C Clarke’s “The Nine Billion Names of God.” Gave me the shivers then; still does. #ArthurCClarke. #TheNineBillionNamesOfGod
#ArthurCClarke #TheNineBillionNamesOfGod
[1980] Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World - Series looking at unexplained phenomena from around the world introduced and book-ended by science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke in short sequences filmed in Sri Lanka. First episode.
#OldBritishTelly #ArthurCClarke
Don't know how many times I've watched this over the years and it still blows my mind how accurate some of these predictions are.
Arthur C. Clarke shares his vision of what a City of the future may look like, taken from a Horizon broadcast on BBC, 1964.
#ArthurCClarke #RemoteWorking #futuretech #futuretechnology
#futuretechnology #futuretech #remoteworking #ArthurCClarke
I need to get better at writing posts. Here's are some relevant hashtags:
#Sci-fi #Literature #Books #SpaceTravel #ArthurCClarke #Jupiter #Io #Europa #HAL #SpaceShip #Monoloith #NewHere #NewUser
#sci #literature #Books #spacetravel #ArthurCClarke #jupiter #io #europa #hal #spaceship #monoloith #newhere #newuser
Remembering 1968 epic #SciFi #2001 : A #SpaceOdyssey 🪐#KeirDullea 🇺🇸AkA Dr.#DavidBowman 🚀#GaryLockwood 🇺🇸AkA Dr.#FrankPoole 👨🚀in #StanleyKubrick and #ArthurCClarke classic space Opera 🎬
#scifi #SpaceOdyssey #KeirDullea #davidbowman #GaryLockwood #FrankPoole #StanleyKubrick #ArthurCClarke
[1988] God, the Universe and Everything Else - In a studio setting, Stephen Hawking, Arthur C. Clarke and Carl Sagan (who joins them via satellite) discuss the Big Bang theory, God, our existence as well as the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
#OldBritishTelly #carlsagan #stephenhawking #ArthurCClarke
Who are 5-7 of your favorite authors? Add them as hashtags so we can find each other, boost this, share your own. #bookstodon
#bookstodon #ursulakleguin #nkjemisin #nnediokorafor #annleckie #CharlesStross #ArthurCClarke #neilgaiman