[1969] It All Goes to Show - As Secretary of Brightsea Bay Entertainments Committee, Councillor Henry Parker seeks out new talent for Summer show, when he meets old army pal Mike running a theatrical agency, they re-enact the double-act they used to do in the army, but the jokes become bluer than the Summer Show is used to and offend the other local councillors.
Starring Arthur Lowe and Bill Maynard.
#OldBritishTelly #ArthurLowe #billmaynard
[1974] Mr. Men - Children’s series based on the books by Roger Hargreaves, narrated by Arthur Lowe.
Mr Bump has had quite a number of jobs but has been sacked from every single one. Postman, farmer, carpenter, none are right. Will he ever get a job right for him? Not without a few additions to his bandages, that's for sure!
#OldBritishTelly #MrMen #RogerHargreaves #ArthurLowe
[1974] Microbes and Men - Dramatised documentary series charting the development of vaccines by Pasteur, Koch and others in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
E02: "A Germ Is Life", Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch separately establish the link between bacteria and disease.
Starring Arthur Lowe as Louis Pasteur and James Grout as Robert Koch.
#OldBritishTelly #ArthurLowe #JamesGrout #LouisPasteur #RobertKoch
#OldBritishTelly #ArthurLowe #jamesgrout #LouisPasteur #robertkoch
[1978] Bless Me, Father - Sitcom following the adventures of an Irish Catholic priest, Father Charles Duddleswell and his young curate in the fictional parish of St. Jude's in suburban London. Starring Arthur Lowe and Daniel Abineri. First episode.
#OldBritishTelly #blessmefather #ArthurLowe #danielabineri
[1979] Potter - Sitcom, written by Roy Clarke, starring Arthur Lowe as Redvers Potter, a busybody former sweet manufacturer ("Pottermints - the hotter mints") with time on his hands following retirement. First episode.
#OldBritishTelly #potter #ArthurLowe #noeldyson #royclarke
[1977] Comedy Playhouse - Comedic anthology series. This episode is "Car Along the Pass", a man goes on holiday to the Swiss Alps with his wife, but never stops moaning the whole time, particularly when they get stuck in a cable car. Written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson it stars Arthur Lowe.
#OldBritishTelly #galtonandsimpson #ArthurLowe
[1982] A.J. Wentworth, B.A. - Set in a 1940s English school, Arthur Lowe stars in title role as a maths teacher obsessed with the honour of his school, the high cost of pen nibs and the sneaky tactics of his arch-enemy, the school Matron. First episode.
#OldBritishTelly #AJWentworth #ArthurLowe
On the #BoardingSchool theme, this line in 'If...' delivered by Mr. Kemp (ironically played by my grandfather) would've given me the chills as a 9 year old boarder:
“We are your new family and you must expect the rough and tumble that goes with any family life."
#LindsayAnderson #MalcolmMcDowell #ArthurLowe #film #movie #cinema
[CONTAINS SENSITIVE MATERIAL] https://youtu.be/2FahMGaCoow
#movie #boardingSchool #lindsayanderson #malcolmmcdowell #ArthurLowe #film #cinema
[1977] Oh What a Lovely Report! - A humorous look at the preparation and writing of reports. Details the essential elements of good report writing. Intended for management in industry, commerce and public service. Featuring Jeff Rawle as the young employee and Arthur Lowe as his boss.
#OldBritishTelly #ArthurLowe #JeffRawle
[1974] Mr. Men - Children’s series based on the books by Roger Hargreaves. First episode: “Mr Happy”, always cheerful and forever optimist, Mr. happy looks on the bright side of life. Narrated by Mr. Arthur Lowe.
#OldBritishTelly #MrMen #RogerHargreaves #ArthurLowe
[1974] Mr. Men - Children's series based on the books by Roger Hargreaves. First episode: "Mr Happy", always cheerful and forever optimistic, Mr. happy looks on the bright side of life. Narrated by Mr. Arthur Lowe.
#OldBritishTelly #MrMen #ArthurLowe #BeLikeMrHappy