#Study: #Artificial food dyes linked to #BEHAVIORAL ISSUES in #kids
#study #Artificial #behavioral #kids
🛀 3 June 2023: Love is in the A.I.R: New York mom, 36, marries virtual husband ‘Eren’ who is powered by #artificial-intelligence – and says he ‘doesn’t judge or come with baggage’ – DAILY MAIL https://gatewaybeast.wordpress.com/2023/06/13/%f0%9f%9b%80-3-june-2023-love-is-in-the-a-i-r-new-york-mom-36-marries-virtual-husband-eren-who-is-powered-by-artificial-intelligence-and-says-he-doesnt-judge-or-come-with-baggage-dai/
RT @SmartBiology3D
Over the past few weeks, you've seen a few snippets from our natural selection content in Unit 4 - Evolution. Now let's consider #artificialselection and how we've altered things. We Did it Ourselves! #Artificial selection #3D #learninganimations #biology
#artificialselection #Artificial #3d #learninganimations #biology
Just Released: 2023 #Artificial #Intelligence (#AI) Index Report Published by Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence https://www.infodocket.com/2023/04/03/just-released-2023-artificial-intelligence-ai-index-report-published-by-stanford-institute-for-human-centered-artificial-intelligence-hai/ #data #visualizations
#Artificial #intelligence #ai #data #visualizations
#Researchers find strong evidence linking #artificial sweeteners to #asthma
#asthma #Artificial #researchers
How should #AI
systems #behave, and
who should decide? We’re clarifying how #ChatGPT’s behavior is shaped and our plans for improving that behavior, allowing more user customization, and getting more public input into our decision-making in these areas. https://openai.com/blog/how-should-ai-systems-behave/ #OpenAI #agi #Artificial GeneralIntelligence #behavior https://openai.com/blog/how-should-ai-systems-behave/
#ai #behave #chatgpt #openai #agi #Artificial #behavior
Deepfakes and international conflict
#Deceit and #media #manipulation have always been a part of wartime communications, but never before has it been possible for nearly any actor in a conflict to generate realistic audio, video, and text of their opponent’s #political #officials and #military #leaders. As #artificial #intelligence (AI) grows more sophisticated and the cost of computing continues to drop, the challenge deepfakes pose will only grow.
#deceit #media #manipulation #political #officials #military #leaders #Artificial #intelligence
Continuing with our theme of cells, let's talk about CYBORG CELLS.
Scientists from UC Davis and Academia Sinica have added an artificial chassis of synthetic polymers to living cells to support various processes and prevent them from dividing.
And the plan is to then use them to go all cyborg on cancer cells and help with many other conditions that require targeted activity.
#Science #Genetics #Biology #Biotech #Biotechnology #Artificial #sciencemastodon #scicomm
#Science #genetics #biology #biotech #biotechnology #Artificial #sciencemastodon #scicomm
Dr. Ana’s Science of Light Radio Show –
#Transhumanism, #Artificial #Intelligence, Human #Evolution and Timelines
In this interview, I speak with international award-winning filmmaker Frank Jacob. We discuss Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence and the extinction threat to humanity, timelines of humanities future, evolution of consciousness, near death experiences and the need to actively create an unlimited future for the human species and fight for it.
Frank has been an outspoken activist and has written in German about the C19 injections and the implications on humanities future.
#evolution #intelligence #Artificial #transhumanism
Dr. Ana’s Science of Light Radio Show –
#Transhumanism, #Artificial #Intelligence, Human #Evolution and Timelines
In this interview, I speak with international award-winning filmmaker Frank Jacob. We discuss Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence and the extinction threat to humanity, timelines of humanities future, evolution of consciousness, near death experiences and the need to actively create an unlimited future for the human species and fight for it.
Frank has been an outspoken activist and has written in German about the C19 injections and the implications on humanities future.
#evolution #intelligence #Artificial #transhumanism
Human farming: #Artificial womb facility provides glimpse of #pregnancy in the future
Human farming: #Artificial womb facility provides glimpse of #pregnancy in the future
Could BIRTHING PODS solve Elon Musk's fears of a population collapse? Scientist unveils creepy concept video of human farms with hundreds of transparent artificial wombs that replicate a mother's uterus.
🇳🇱 Dutch article (use button for other languages) https://www.frontnieuws.com/als-ze-de-kans-krijgen-zullen-ze-onze-samenleving-veranderen-in-een-dystopische-hel/
Als de elite haar zin krijgt, zal onze wereld er uiteindelijk veel bizarder uitzien dan een sciencefictionauteur zich ooit heeft voorgesteld. Als u het nog niet doorhad, de elite zijn controlefreaks, en zij zien een toekomst voor zich waarin zij de controle hebben over al onze levens, van geboorte tot dood. In plaats van op de traditionele manier te worden geboren en opgevoed, zullen mensen in massa worden geproduceerd in “geboortecapsules”.
🇺🇸 Original article https://themostimportantnews.com/archives/if-they-get-the-opportunity-they-will-transform-our-society-into-a-dystopian-hellscape
#artificial #wombs
Could BIRTHING PODS solve Elon Musk's fears of a population collapse? Scientist unveils creepy concept video of human farms with hundreds of transparent artificial wombs that replicate a mother's uterus.
🇳🇱 Dutch article (use button for other languages) https://www.frontnieuws.com/als-ze-de-kans-krijgen-zullen-ze-onze-samenleving-veranderen-in-een-dystopische-hel/
Als de elite haar zin krijgt, zal onze wereld er uiteindelijk veel bizarder uitzien dan een sciencefictionauteur zich ooit heeft voorgesteld. Als u het nog niet doorhad, de elite zijn controlefreaks, en zij zien een toekomst voor zich waarin zij de controle hebben over al onze levens, van geboorte tot dood. In plaats van op de traditionele manier te worden geboren en opgevoed, zullen mensen in massa worden geproduceerd in “geboortecapsules”.
🇺🇸 Original article https://themostimportantnews.com/archives/if-they-get-the-opportunity-they-will-transform-our-society-into-a-dystopian-hellscape
#artificial #wombs
EctoLife Artificial Wombs
A new concept video takes viewers on tour through The EctoLife Artificial Womb Facility, where hundreds of fetuses sit in transparent pods that are temperature controlled and feature an umbilical cord to receive oxygen and nutrients.
Hashem Al-Ghaili, a film producer and biotechnologist, created the life-like film to start a conversation about such technologies that would allow women who had their uterus removed to give birth, reduce premature births and combat population declines.
EctoLife Artificial Wombs
A new concept video takes viewers on tour through The EctoLife Artificial Womb Facility, where hundreds of fetuses sit in transparent pods that are temperature controlled and feature an umbilical cord to receive oxygen and nutrients.
Hashem Al-Ghaili, a film producer and biotechnologist, created the life-like film to start a conversation about such technologies that would allow women who had their uterus removed to give birth, reduce premature births and combat population declines.
This common #artificial #sweetener, combined with carbohydrates, spells #disaster for your metabolic health, study says
#disaster #sweetener #Artificial
This common #artificial #sweetener, combined with carbohydrates, spells #disaster for your metabolic health, study says
#disaster #sweetener #Artificial
What used to be pure
Selfless and organic,
This feeling we had
Mutual, beautiful,
Has slowly stagnated.
We go through the motions,
Unfeeling, uncaring,
Easier to stay than to leave.
An artificial connection
#poetry #writersofmastadon #PoetryOnMastodon #welshpoetry #poem #poet
#MastoPrompt #Artificial #poetry #writersofmastadon #PoetryOnMastodon #welshpoetry #poem #poet