Checking out this new video from Singularity for the song Uncontrolled. I like it a lot, definitely recommend for anyone who likes the other stuff on Artisan Era or technical death metal!
#metal #DeathMetal #TechDeath #Singularity #ArtisanEra
#ArtisanEra #singularity #techdeath #deathmetal #metal
Enjoying this Friday afternoon with some technical death metal from Aronious and their album Irkalla. Yet another awesome release from Malcom Pugh's (A Loathing Requiem, Inferi, etc.) label Artisan Era.
#metal #TechnicalDeathMetal #Aronious #Inferi #ALoathingRequiem #ArtisanEra
#ArtisanEra #ALoathingRequiem #Inferi #Aronious #technicaldeathmetal #metal