This evening's viewing: a revisit to The Ninth Gate, adapted from The Dumas Club by Arturo Perez Reverte. I know it was a different era, but it's remarkable how many ciggies Depp smokes continually in this movie...
#film #ArturoPerezReverte #TheDumasClub #TheNinthGate #JohnnyDeppe #books #livres
#livres #books #johnnydeppe #theninthgate #thedumasclub #ArturoPerezReverte #film
What pisses me off the most about #ArturoPerezReverte is that, being so learned and having travelled so much, he has made a career out of stressing the uniqueness of mediocrity, ignorance and backwardness in #Spain. As if we were really unique for the worse. Or for the better. The more I travel and read, the more I despise that #chauvinism, and the more I recognise shared human experience. There are corruption, bigotry, embarrassing or absurd customs, and missed opportunities in every society.
#ArturoPerezReverte #spain #chauvinism