@tehjessica @stux not about the piracy angle, but #ArwaMahdawi puts things in perspective.
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Welcome to the Year of the 'Circumboob,' I Guess https://jezebel.com/welcome-to-the-year-of-the-circumboob-i-guess-1850169447 #Jezebel #operatingsystems #gabrielleepstein #jessamynstanley #petedavidson #kyliecheung #arwamahdawi #erickahart #instagram #software #cleavage #lipstick #anatomy #nipple #breast #boob
#jezebel #operatingsystems #gabrielleepstein #jessamynstanley #petedavidson #kyliecheung #ArwaMahdawi #erickahart #Instagram #software #cleavage #lipstick #anatomy #nipple #breast #boob
This is the best donation appeal I've read in a very long time. From Guardian columnist Arwa Mahdawi:
Elon Musk "has described the Guardian, as 'the most insufferable newspaper on planet Earth.'
"I’m not sure there is any greater compliment.
"Not having a paywall means that the Guardian has to regularly ask our readers to chip in.
"If you are able, please do consider supporting us.
"Only with your help can we continue to get on Elon Musk’s nerves."
#ArwaMahdawi #journalist #guardian
> .. the only thing the US loves as much as its #guns is #lawsuits.. a court ruled that preventing doctors from discussing guns violated.. freedom of speech.. a small win for sanity.. doctors don’t have to worry about losing their jobs if they tell.. patients that.. automatic weapons.. might be dangerous.. Was it irresponsible to voluntarily bring a child up in a place where 95% of public.. schools carry out active shooter drills?
#ArwaMahdawi #DocsGlocks
#DocsGlocks #ArwaMahdawi #lawsuits #guns
I giornalisti fanno luce sull’uccisione di Shireen Abu Akleh - Catherine Cornet - Internazionale #Schooloflife #Palestina #CatherineCornet #Israele #ClaudiaGrisanti #StatiUniti #ArwaMahdawi #Reportage #SarahGainsforth #Psicologia #ArthurCBrooks #29maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaW50ZXJuYXppb25hbGUuaXQvb3BpbmlvbmUvY2F0aGVyaW5lLWNvcm5ldC8yMDIyLzA1LzI2L2luY2hpZXN0YS1zaGlyZWVuLWFidS1ha2xlaA==
#29maggio #ArthurCBrooks #psicologia #sarahgainsforth #reportage #ArwaMahdawi #statiuniti #ClaudiaGrisanti #israele #CatherineCornet #palestina #schooloflife
> ... the 25 richest people in the US paid a true tax rate of just 3.4% from 2014 to 2018. The average taxpayer..pays a true tax rate of 13%. It wasn’t always like this.. wasn’t that long ago that the ultra-wealthy paid their fair share in tax; during the second world war, the federal income tax rate peaked at 94% and was still 70% three decades later. The rich haven’t just gotten richer, they’ve also gotten.. more selfish.
#WealthGap #RichGuy #USA #Poverty #ArwaMahdawi
#ArwaMahdawi #poverty #usa #richguy #wealthgap