Welcome everyone!!
Our arms are open to all who are seeking truth through God, come with an expectation to receive the Holy Spirit in your life through the parabolic teachings of Jesus Christ.

Bring your babies and children to come be apart of our Mighty Trumpets.

We look forward to seeing you there!!

Location: 2626 Sage Rd, Houston, TX 77056
Time: 11 AM CT

For more info on location and times visit voh.church/info, or email connect@voh.church.

#restore #rapture #Ascend #Earth #heaven #fight #army #freedom #dance #love #family #glory #debt #release #Worship #Praise #Judah #Messiah #Hebrew #mind #heart #Soul #Yeshua #HolySpirit #deliverance #healing #texas #houston

Last updated 2 years ago

Welcome, everyone from all nations!! Join us in fellowship, praise, worship, and teaching that will transform your life. Come hear the sweet melody of the Lord as He is being released through revelation. The seed đŸŒ± is the word of God but seeds have to be cracked open, listen and learn as the leader of our church breaks open the word. ⁠
📍 Murrieta, California 9:00AM⁠
For more info on our times and locations visit voh.church/info.⁠

#mind #Ascend #heart #music #meat #faith #heaven #texas #houston #WORD #seed #church #Yeshua #lord #cloud #love #HolySpirit #submit #surrender #letitgo #truth #change

Last updated 2 years ago

Clement of Rome

Clement was a fellow worker alongside the Apostle Paul, and is mentioned in one of the letters to the church in Philippi (Phil 4:3).

According to tradition, Clement was the bishop/leader of the church in Rome during the first century. He was a disciple of the Apostle Peter and wrote two epistles to the Corinthians, which are still extant and can be read today.

If Peter got his teachings from Jesus, wouldn’t it be interesting to hear what he passed on and taught Clement? Are we still teaching what was passed down from the earliest disciples?

Learn more about Clement and Early Christanity at: voh.church/ecf

#mind #heavens #Ascend #rock #stone #love #truth #discipline #Apostles #disciples #traditions #Peter #ClementofRome #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

God’s spirit is moving in the earth, awakening His people to open their eyes and see He is coming, to open their ears and hear the Trumpets sounding. Join us this Sunday to hear the Trumpet sounding, “Get ready the Bridegroom is coming.”

Address: 2001 Post Oak Blvd Houston, TX 77056 (11am CST)

California: Contact us here for more info on location and times → voh.church/info

#texas #houston #name #stone #gold #Lamp #oil #Trumpet #Yeshua #body #unity #abide #rapture #jesus #Reveal #rain #clouds #temple #heaven #Ascend #time #Arrival

Last updated 2 years ago

How do we die to ourselves?

The Bible is filled with things that oppose the desires of man. We are told that we must decrease, so that He who is in us can increase (Jn 3:30). How do we accomplish this, and how can the desires of the hearts of man be purified?

Are you picking your cross? Connect with us by visiting voh.church/connect

#Earth #heaven #temple #Process #order #light #glory #Ascend #Appear #Understanding #truth #mind #Reveal #Carnal #Crucified #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

The Mountains of Judea

“Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains” (Matt 24:16).
The name Judah speaks of a worshiper, translated to one who lays down their life. In Hebrew mountains are likened to the mind because it was the highest peak on earth. We are symbolic of the earth - God created man from dust (Gen 1).

Connect with us at www.voh.church.connect

#Ascend #Earth #spiritual #Worship #Transform #Mindset #voh

Last updated 2 years ago

Clean Hands and Pure Heart

The 24th Psalm asks, “who can ascend the mountain of the Lord, who can stand in his holy place”? Only those with clean hands and a pure heart. After the abolishing of the wicked (the false teachings), He will restore all things through those who have been sanctified. A pure heart speaks of perfection and that happens through the process of receiving the revelation of the Word.

#Ascend #sanctified #sabbath #PureHeart #CleanHands #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 3 years ago