World History Encyclopedia · @whencyclopedia
857 followers · 1367 posts · Server

In Europe, in the 19th century CE, an interesting device began appearing in graveyards and cemeteries: the mortsafe.

#egypt #bes #Asclepius #History

Last updated 2 years ago

Marie Belanger · @MsMarieB
42 followers · 170 posts · Server
Jeremy Puma · @mysteryharvest
270 followers · 288 posts · Server
Instagram - tina on Instagram: "🧄S A N T ’ A G L I O | E X V O T O Several months ago I had the idea of drawing Saint Garlic in devotion to this beloved allium. Time continued to pass as it does and the idea stayed staring at me from a pink post-it stuck to my wall. Then last month, I journeyed with a garlic flower essence by @therootcircle and was reminded of all the reasons I fell for this plant 3+ years ago and marked myself with its shape on my 30th birthday. On the edge of the pandemic, I hosted a garlic party for my birthday with the tagline: “Bring a garlic dish to share. All will smell, none will care!” Days later, New Orleans went into lockdown and friends later joked about how well timed the party was and how our bodies were prepared for what was to come. One could fill volumes (and have) on the folklore, medicinal and magical benefits of this plant. And then of course, there’s the magic that garlic does to food. Enclosed are some of my favorite tales, facts, mythology and folk practices all to do with this bottom-dwelling, bulbous dreamboat of a plant: The oldest inscriptions and illustrations of garlic have been found in ancient Egyptian crypts and garlic bulbs themselves have been found inside the pyramids at Giza. Pharaoh Tutankhamen, after transitioning, was buried with garlic by his side to usher him into the underworld and protect his treasure. In Greek mythology, Zeus’s son Asclepius became so skilled at herbal remedies that he was believe to even raise the dead. This angered Hades and so Zeus killed Asclepius with a lightening bolt and sent the rains to drown his writings on immortality. The parchment he was writing on soaked into the earth, thus becoming garlic: immortal gift of the fallen Asclepius. [MORE GOOD STUFF IN COMMENTS!] I’ve been thinking more about how plants choose us and vice versa. Like we belong to each other. Every time I return to garlic, I remember: that I am protected, that I am Strength, that I can gracefully take up space. Finally, I present Sant’Aglio, canonized by the church of all things folk and delicious, on December 8, 2022 under the full moon in Gemini."

TIL a Greek origin myth for .

"In Greek , Zeus’s [edit— Apollon’s] son became so skilled at remedies that he was believe to even raise the dead. This angered Hades and so Zeus killed Asclepius with a lightening bolt and sent the rains to drown his writings on immortality. The parchment he was writing on soaked into the earth, thus becoming garlic: immortal gift of the fallen Asclepius."

(HT: Tina Orlandini

#herbal #Asclepius #mythology #garlic

Last updated 2 years ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server

> As the poison numbed ’s feet, legs, and then groin.. [He] turned to his friend and said, “We owe a cock to ,” referring to the Greek god of healing and medicine. “Pay the debt. Don’t forget.” His weeping friend agreed.. moments later.. Socrates expired. The last words of a condemned revolutionary thinker, who was praised by his famous student as “the best and wisest and most righteous man,” were about a .

#WhyDidTheChickenCrossTheWorld #AndrewLawler #chicken #plato #Asclepius #Crito #socrates

Last updated 3 years ago